Let's make sure we understand what the forty-seven GOP senators who co-signed this letter to the mullahs are really doing with it:
1) They are, particularly regarding its constitutionalist bent, telling the mullahs that their ally in the White House is, indeed, negotiating a binding treaty, not a mere "agreement," and without Senate ratification it is not legally binding upon the U.S., even though Obama will illegally enforce it anyway. Why the mullahs would give a camel's hump about "infidel civics" that's going to be replaced by Sharia eventually is anybody's guess.
2) They are openly and pre-emptively conceding that there's nothing they can - or, rather, will - do to try and stop him.
3) They are banking the entirety of their hopes on a Republican coming to power in the 2016 election who will then, they hope, scrap this "mere agreement" in accordance with the wishes of forty-seven Republicans not all of which are going to still be in office by that time. And, of course, a Democrat might win in 2016, depending upon whom the GOP nominates. Or Barack Obama might decide to remain in office so that his pen and phone can safeguard his "legacy" piece of paper, the gold-embossed frame for which is already being prepared for its display case at the National Archives.
It is a concession of utter impotence in writing.
But "obnoxious"? "Treason"? C'mon, Donks and Donkettes, it isn't anything that congressional Democrats didn't do to Presidents Reagan, Bush41, and Bush43 over the years.
Which, in turn, explains why the Dark Side has their collective panties in such a bunch: It's blatant gimmick infringement:
The "T" word — treason — is being lobbed at forty-seven Republican senators who signed an open letter to Iranian leaders warning that any deal Tehran strikes with the Obama administration may be reversed by a future president.
During an appearance Monday on MSNBC, former Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean said that the letter undermines the president to the degree that it "borders on treason," Breitbart reports.
"I think this guy doesn’t know what he’s doing," Dean said. "How long has he been a senator? Two months? This is ridiculous. It’s really outrageous. And if Tom Cotton wasn’t a veteran of the Armed Forces, I would say this borders on treason ...
"You don’t undermine the president of the United States. It’s disrespectful not only to President Obama but disrespectful to the office of the presidency. You can disagree with a foreign policy, and, in fact, I actually don’t think that the Iranians are trustworthy. And I worry about a deal, but to do something like this, it just is breathtaking," Dean said.
How's it feel, jackoffs? If Senator Cotton achieves nothing else with this letter, he will have illustrated a leftwingnut foreign policy hypocrisy for the ages, and generated enough conservative gallows laughter to give every damned last one of us six-pack abs of steel. In fact, we'd all better keep that Howard Dean line - "You don’t undermine the president of the United States....It's...disrespectful to the office of the presidency" archived just in case Scott Walker is in the White House two years from now, because those pious Executive-venerating sentiments will disappear faster than a sneeze in a blast furnace then. Hell, it's already gag-inducing coming from a breed that made a sacred jihad of "undermining the president of the United States" when Dubya still kicked back his dogs on Old Resolute.
Of course, what Dean and the other filthbags are really saying is, "You don't blaspheme Godbama, sinners, and you will be judged for your seditious iniquities!"
And then there's the doubled-down irony of Democrats vomiting the "T-word" at Republicans on behalf of a twenty-first century Manchurian candidate who has for over six years been the embodiment of anti-American perfidy....
....embraced all of America's enemies, attacked all of America's friends - Israel most especially - and done everything in his demidivine power to guarantee that the Iranian mullahgarchy gets nuclear weapons. If they don't have an arsenal already, which I'm convinced they already possess.
But yet, doesn't it seem just a "smidgen" lame for the entirety of the White House's retaliation to be comparing the "Gang of Forty-Seven" to "Iranian hardliners" - who are Obama's allies, remember, unless he's found some way to resurrect Iran's Green Revolutionaries, and thus doesn't even make semantical sense - and posting a petition on its website calling for Senate Republicans to be prosecuted under a Logan Act that Democrats reduced to farcical confetti decades ago? Where are the U.S. marshals marching into the Senate chamber to take all forty-seven GOP senators into custody at gunpoint? You know, the way one would have thought O would have dealt with John Boehner and Mitch McConnell for inviting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to deliver his State of the Middle East Address a week ago. Whatever happened to, "Off with their heads!" What kind of light-in-the-loafers despot is he?
It has to make you wonder what the mullahs think about all of this infidel foolishness.
And then you remember that they're only giving it a passing glance and chuckle at best, because they are still focused like a laser beam on our destruction:
Iran on Sunday unveiled the new Soumar long-range ground-to-ground cruise missile, a weapon with a range of almost 1,500 miles — enhancing the Islamic Republic's capability of targeting U.S. ships operating in the Persian Gulf as well as the Arab Gulf states, Israel, Russia, and parts of Eastern and Central Europe.
In unveiling the weapon, Iranian Defense Minister Hussein Dehqan said the missile further enhances Tehran's power projection and deterrent capability. He also announced that the Qadr and Qiyam — two other long-range missile systems — had been transferred to missile units operated by Iran's Revolutionary Guards, and that in the coming year, Tehran will continue to upgrade its long-range missile forces, the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs reported Tuesday.
The Soumar missile is believed to be a replica of a Soviet-era KH-55 cruise missile, smuggled out of Ukraine more than a decade ago, which eventually ended up in Iranian hands. The Iranian military has long insisted on opening production lines inside that country. Ever since foreign states refused to sell weaponry to the regime during the 1980-88 war with Iraq, Iran has made developing indigenous weapons production capability a top priority.
When combined with similar long-range missiles already in Iran's possession, the cruise missile unveiled Sunday will "expand the threat radius of the missiles" in possession of Iran's Revolutionary Guard, writes retired Israeli Defense Force Colonel Michael Segall, a senior analyst at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.
And remember, Iran controls Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, Iraq, and Yemen, so you can tack an additional thousand miles or so onto the stated ranges of the aforementioned weapons.
Also remember that the mullahs have ICBMs, and I would be astonished if they don't already have nuclear warheads installed in every last one of these missile systems.
But sure, Howie, Tom Cotton and forty-six other Senate Republicans are the "traitors," not the POTUS who is arming the enemy who has been chanting for our "death" for thirty-six years. You go ahead and run with that.
But you're sure as shinola not getting into MY fallout shelter. Bank on that.
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