Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Hillary: No One Will See My Server

by JASmius

Two thoughts:  (1) See, I told you so; and (2) she really isn't her husband, is she?:

Republicans Tuesday attacked Hillary Clinton's first public comments on her use of private email as secretary of state, saying that her refusal to make her server available for public scrutiny smacked of hypocrisy amid previous claims about transparency and raised serious questions about her judgment.

Only if you were damnfool enough to take her at her word.

"The expectation that we merely trust that Secretary Clinton shared all relevant emails and that the process of vetting the emails was as thorough and unbiased as it should have been is insulting given the Clintons’ well-established history of misleading the American people," said California-49 Representative Darrell Issa.

"This matter cannot be put to rest without a thorough forensic examination of the email server and an unbiased independent review of the records in question."

Holy God, it's Lois Lerner all over again.  Can't say my appetite is too awfully whetted to  take another wade through that rank futility.

No, I take that back.  Double-L had the several degrees of separation from the "lost email" caper; Mrs. Clinton is simply barring access to hers.

Man, she isn't even as good a liar as Obama.

South Carolina-4 Representative Trey Gowdy, chairman of the House select committee investigating the 2012 Benghazi attacks, said the panel will now subpoena the former first lady for two rounds of testimony.

"Having finally heard from Secretary Clinton about her exclusive use of personal email with which to conduct official business while serving as Secretary of State, regrettably we are left with more questions than answers," Gowdy said. "Because Secretary Clinton has created more questions than answers, the select committee is left with no choice but to call her to appear at least twice."

Because her Benghazigate testimony was so helpful.  I'd lay even odds that she'll recycle her "What difference, at this point, does it make?" line.  And I really, really hope that Chairman Gowdy isn't under the misconception that putting Her Nib under oath is going to make one scintilla of difference as to the veracity of whatever bogus testimony she blurts into her microphone.

Republican strategist Brad Blakeman described the remarks to Newsmax as "typical Clinton: avoid questions, parsed words.

"Conveniently, all the 'personal' emails that she deemed personal have been deleted — and she will not give the government access to her server.

"This is the Clintons bunkering down — and now, she'll send her attack dogs out … to try to blame this on Republicans," Blakeman said.

She'll try, anyway.  That's Clintonoid SOP.  But it won't be very successful.  Why?  Because she's not going to receive as much help from the media and the Regime as she thinks she will.  Why?  Because remember, Team Messiah despises the Clintons and always has, and the media take their cues from their demigod, not the Wicked Witch of the West Wing.  Plus, as I keep reminding y'all, they have a superior alternative waiting in the wings in Elizabeth Warren - all the leftwing radicalism, none of the "Wall Street compromises" and scandal baggage.  Yet, anyway.

And, once again, Mrs. Clinton is just such an abysmal liar.  Bill could make anybody believe anything he told them as well as leaving them convinced that it was their idea.  Obama lacks anywhere near that skill, but he's got brute force power to back up his prevaricating, and plus, he's (half-)black, which covers any amount of scandal sins.  Hillary! lacks the skill and the power and the pigmentation.  And I don't think her vagina is going to be nearly enough to offset that.

She'll never see the inside of the prison cell she deserves.  But she'll never see the inside of the Oval Office other than as a tourist, either.  Which, for her, is pretty much the same thing.

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