Saturday, March 14, 2015

Virginia Judges Go Full Anteater On Old Glory

by JASmius

This time it's not a bunch of collegiate snotnose "social ecologists," either:

Portsmouth [Virginia] Sheriff Bill Watson says he is furious after a group of judges told him to take down an American flag display.

Sheriff Watson said his agency got the American flag display as a gift from members of the Portsmouth Fire Department a few weeks ago.

It’s made of old fire hoses which a sign beneath it that reads, “A Tribute to Public Safety.” Watson said he requested to have it mounted on the wall in the lobby of the courthouse but was shocked by what he was told.

Watson said he was told, “Not only do we not want it on the wall, we don’t want it in the courthouse.” [emphasis added]

The ostensible reason?  Not quite as candid as that of the UC-Irvine student "legislature," but still transparently insulting and outrageous: Evidently, these judges have something against first responders:

When asked about other things on the wall of the courthouse, Sheriff Watson said, “There’s a Liberty Bell plaque in there even though it says there are no plaques to be posted…. Then there’s the Portsmouth Bar Association, with every picture of every judge, every attorney, the whole nine yards up on the wall, which is an organization… and you aren’t supposed to post anything from any organizations.”

Watson then addressed the fact that judges argued that those judges and attorneys “don’t do business here.”

“Really?” he asked sarcastically. “Every one of them do business here. It’s their bread and butter. I can’t believe they would be stupid enough to say something like that.”

I can, Sheriff Watson.  Doesn't require much imagination at all, really.  What amazes me is that Portsmouth isn't in the D.C. suburbs, but near an honest-to-goodness naval installation.  And that, in turn, tells you just how far this Ameriphobic contagion is spreading.

The whole thing seems to have been stirred up because Sheriff Watson had a small sign below the flag that read, “A tribute to public safety.”

“They (the judges) said, ‘It might intimidate people that’s coming into the courthouse that might have lawsuits against a police officer,'” Watson said.

Well, now, that's certainly a stretch worthy of Mr. Fantastic....

“What lawsuit? We haven’t had lawsuits. Police officers haven’t been sued here in a long time. We aren’t Ferguson. Everybody gets along.”

Sheriff Watson, EVERY town is Ferguson as far as the Left is concerned.  Portsmouth just hasn't had its turn in Eric Holder's barrel yet.  And for them, Old Glory symbolizes it.  Hell, it's become their new Confederate battle flag.

When asked why the flag would be offensive, Sheriff Watson responded, “I guess they think that terrorists might walk through the courthouse… we’ve given them everything else…. We’ve given our country away,… but you mess with my flag, the fight is on baby!”

Thus shortly earning him the label "domestic terrorist".  After all, whose country does this man think America is?  Americans'?

Exit question: Over/under on how long until Portsmouth judges order the ISIS flag displayed in Old Glory's place?

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