Saturday, April 11, 2015

Constitution Association: Let's Meet Soon

from Douglas V. Gibbs

We need to get together soon!

But, not today.

Last Saturday's Constitution Association regular monthly meeting was by far the best we've had in terms of the speaker (Joe Dallas), but we still haven't had out strategy meeting, nor have we gotten ready for the next speakers, and we are only scratching the surface in regards to this organization's patriotic potential. I haven't confirmed next month's speakers, yet, but plan to this week. My schedule, as many of you can imagine, has been very busy, so it is best we meet at a later date - that date will not be next Saturday as I will be at the USC Book Fair.

Please let me know which day this week or next that would be best for you, to help me in deciding which day we should meet.

Discussion Topics on the table:

Next speakers, Topic: Abortion. I have two people I've been talking to, plus I will say a couple words about my latest book, Silenced Screams. Anybody else on the topic you can recommend?

I am discussing the possibility of a speaker regarding the Austrian Economic Theory (von Mises), and having a speaker come in regarding preparing for collapse (I am not necessarily a "prepper," but I believe we should be prepared just in case. . . we Californians live in earthquake country, after all).

Incorporation: We have been talking about incorporating the Constitution Association to make it official, and we may have that distinction by next regular meeting. When we do so we need to form a board, and an advisory council. Volunteers? Ideas? Recommendations?

My next projects: In addition to Table Top News, of which I am still seeking advertisers, $25 per week in the publication that is getting very popular, and we are up to nearly 500 copies per week, I have a project that will be using a couple books I am writing combined with an online presence that includes a video presentation. I want to talk about it, and get some feedback. Also, there has been a lot of talk about Crowd Funding, and I have been wanting to get a campaign underway, but I need help with a number of parts of the project.

A New Website: Randy and I have been working on launching a new website, but I can only do so much, as can Randy. At the next meeting I want to address the new website, show you what we've done so far, and get some feedback.

As you can see, we need to meet, and talk about what's next. Restoring the Republic, or getting ready in case the bottom drops out, are both important goals to be chasing. We need to be informing people and slapping the public awake, while creating a strategy that people can understand and pursue, of which must include the Republic Review plan we have had presented to us by Mr. G.R. Mobley. But we need people, and we need to increase revenue desperately.

Thank you for your support, and your participation in the effort, but we MUST increase our reach with the radio programs, internet presence, and local activism or we are going to be forced to. . . well, you know.


Douglas Gibbs
Constitution Radio/Political Pistachio


Don't forget the radio shows, too:

Conservative Voice Radio Saturdays at 8:00 am,
American Daily Review Radio, Saturdays at Noon Pacific,
Constitution Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs, moving to KMET 1490AM on May 2, 2015.
Restarting Constitution Radio when I force into place the opportunity,

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