Wednesday, April 15, 2015

MSNBC: Force All Doctors To Perform Abortions

by JASmius

Question for MHP: Where does "choice" enter this particular equation?:

During her MSNBC’s Lean Forward on April 11th, host Melissa Harris-Perry questioned Physicians for Reproductive Health’s Dr. Anne Davis on a North Carolina bill that would prohibit the “basic core skill” of abortion at state medical schools. The two described abortion education as a “core part” or a “core skill” five times during the five-minute seventeen-second interview.

Harris-Perry then turned to Physicians for Reproductive Health consulting medical director Dr. Anne Davis. Davis also serves as a Columbia University Medical Center associate professor and a contributor at the fanatically pro-abortion site RH Reality Check.

“Anne, so now you just can’t learn the medical stuff at the medical school,” Harris-Perry lamented. Davis said of the “unfortunate turn of events” that “Abortion is a core fundamental skill that we teach our residents,” Davis said. “My professors taught me, I teach my residents, it’s really a core part of the curriculum. So to say that we can’t teach core skills to residents and students is really disturbing.” [emphasis added]

Question for "Dr." Davis: Ever heard of the Hippocratic Oath?  I'm with Velvet Hammer in observing that the fact that neither MHP nor "Dr." Davis find ripping a baby apart limb from limb to be disturbing is what is fundamentally disturbing.

But it is drearily unsurprising that they invoke the police power of the state to force their view of  abortion as being a "core medical skill" on any damnfoolish enough to pursue a career in medicine.  Tyranny is always the end result of leftwing moral supremacism, after all.

Exit question: Anybody have MHP's mailing address?  She is in desperate need of a copy of Silenced Screams; Abortion In A Virtuous Society, if I'm any judge.

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