Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Another "Homophobic" Child Of Homosexual "Parents"

by JASmius

Is that not one of the saddest, and creepiest, pictures you've ever seen?  It evokes the same emotions as do those "adopt a starving child in Africa" PSAs.

Well, remember Heather Barwick, the daughter of lesbians who not only "tragically" went "straight," married a <gasp> man, and <horrors!> had children by him - in wedlock! - and "came out of the closet" as a foe of sodomarriage?  And remember how the Lavender Lobby immediately fell upon her like a swarm of killer bees for her "heresy"?

Looks like Mrs. Barwick is getting some reinforcements:

A woman who was raised by a gay father has penned an op-ed about why she opposes same-sex marriage, claiming that her dad’s “preference” and the actions he took during her childhood created in her “an inner sense of inequality.”

“From infancy, I was unwittingly identified under the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transsexual (GLBT) umbrella,” author and activist Dawn Stefanowicz wrote for the Daily Signal. “During the first thirty years of my life, I garnered many personal, social and professional experiences with my father, whom I always loved, and his partners. My father, a successful executive recruiter, taught me a strong business ethic.”

But when it came to relationships and gender, she said she did not see her father valuing or affirming women, which she said impacted her.

Stefanowicz, who has said in the past that her father became a Christian before he died from AIDS at age 51 back in 1991....

Praise the LORD!

....wrote that it took her a long time to formulate her views on same-sex marriage, and that she believes that her father wouldn't have supported same-sex nuptials.

“I did not have all the words to express my thoughts and feelings until my late twenties and early thirties, so it took a while before I went public, but I knew that my father never would have supported same-sex ‘marriage,’” she wrote. “Naturally, he knew that every child is created from both a father and a mother.”

And that that biological necessity doesn't end with fertilization, but extends to the psychological aspects of child rearing as well.

Stefanowicz went on to say that the media, gay [extremist]s and others have created a dynamic in which it is hard to tell her story, though she said she knows she is not alone, as some other children of gay parents share her views.

Of course.  It goes against homosexual supremacy dogma.  It's "heteros" who are supposed to be seen as aberrant and "same-sex" relationships as being "normal".  And woe be unto the serpent's tooth who breaches that fudgepacking orthodoxy.  It's like I've said and written many times: There's no "courage" to "coming out of the closet"; what requires courage is to point out the truth about homosexuality, which speaks to how brave Mrs. Barwick and Miss Stefanowicz really are.

The latter nailed it with this passage:

“For many of us adult children of gay parents, we have come to the conclusion that same-sex marriage is more about promoting adults’ ‘desires’ than about safeguarding children’s rights to know and be raised by their biological parents,” she wrote. [emphasis added]

Precisely.  It's not about tolerance, and it's not about equality, it's about conquest and supremacy:

As for her home country of Canada, Stefanowicz went on to describe how she believes that free speech and parental rights have been curtailed since gay marriage was adopted in July 2005, saying that the “biological origins” of parenting have been removed and re-framed by the government, with the term “legal parents” replacing “natural parents.”

Morality and free rights, too, she said are hanging in the balance.

“Necessary parental rights to teach children your beliefs, express your opinions, and practice your personal faith are infringed upon by the state when your beliefs, opinions and or faith practices are in opposition to what is taught and promoted at school,” Stefanowicz wrote....

She concluded her op-ed by writing that she doesn't want to see the United States follow the same path as Canada.

“Marriage must remain between a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others,” Stefanowicz said.

It's a little late for that, Dawn.  But it does get back to that central question: Whose kids are they, anyway?  The fact that more and more "children of the gay community" are coming forward to state the obvious - that debauched "alternative" familial arrangements do not work and are harmful to children - is an encouraging sign that Western culture, as much as it has decayed, still has a values "autoimmune system" after all.

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