Saturday, May 09, 2015

Conservative Voice Radio: Freedom Under Attack

Host: Douglas V. Gibbs, Conservative Voice Radio, KMET 1490-AM, 8:00 am.

Constitutionalist Douglas V. Gibbs is joined by members of the Banning-Beaumont-Cherry Valley Tea Party at 8:00 am every Saturday for a weekly look at the stories that Conservatives in the United States are concerned with.  Listen at, or catch the archived podcast later on the Conservative Voice Radio page.

Topics this week:

- Obamacare in court: ER Visits Increasing under Obamacare; Costs Going Up, Waiting Times Increasing.

- Americanism 101, Freedom of Speech: Pamela Geller's "Draw Muhammad" event in Garland Texas is interrupted by gunshots, and ISIS claims responsibility; In Baltimore, as the city erupts in chaos, the mayor of the city gives her blessing to the rioters.  State Attorney Mosby had decided the facts don't matter, only race does.  What did Alan Derchawitz have to say about Mosby's charges?

- A guest, John, joins us to discuss the Pass Area's latest local issues.

- Texas Governor calls National Guard to stave off the federal government's Jade Helm Operation.  The White House tries to suppress fears about Operation Jade Helm.

- A recent Gallup Poll says most Americans now support the concept of a Redistribution of Wealth.

- Ben Carson announces his candidacy.

- Islam: Iranian Houthi Rebels massing to invade Saudi Arabia from Yemen; ISIS is conquering Afghanistan; Pew Study states millions to leave Christianity for Islam.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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