Wednesday, May 20, 2015

North Korean Submarine-Launched Missile Test Faked?

by JASmius

Sure, it's possible - though the contemptuous, blanket dismissal by Obamagon officials strikes me as another case of "Me thinks thou dost protest too much":

Photos showing a North Korean missile launched from a submarine were manipulated by state propagandists, a top U.S. military official said on Tuesday....

Pyongyang is still "many years" from developing submarine-launched ballistic missiles, U.S. Admiral James Winnefeld told an audience at the Centre for Strategic & International Studies in Washington on Tuesday.

"They have not gotten as far as their clever video editors and spinmeisters would have us believe," said Winnefeld, who is vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Let's take another look at the pic in question, shall we?:

Could the shot of Kim jong-Un in the left foreground have been Photoshopped?  Absolutely.  I rather doubt that he would expose himself to this degree if he's as paranoid as the typical communist, and particularly NoKo, despot.  And what if something went wrong?  Say, the missile explodes as soon as it clears the surface?  Kind of hard to see the Pot-Belled Pig taking that much physical risk.

But to say that the whole picture is faked seems to me like a classic case of whistling past the graveyard.  How does Admiral Winnefeld know where the NoKos are in their development of SLBM capability?  The answer, of course, is that he doesn't know, and he's substituting, well, Kim-esque blustering ridicule for the process of actually finding out and doing something about it.  Indeed, it's almost as if the Obama Regime doesn't want to deal with it at all and is simply pretending that there's no such threat.

Do I hope they're right about that?  Certainly.  But what if they're wrong?  What if that pic above is on the level as far as the missile is concerned?  Then we've got another serious, nigh existential problem on our hands, and one that will potentially cost us a helluva lot more than just another round of economic aid.  Preempting such threats is the principal job of the American president.  Bill Clinton derelicted that duty twenty years ago, and Barack Obama is doing nothing to even slow down the NoKos today.  And the longer we dither, the stronger and more advanced Pyongyang's nuclear capabilities grow, and the more perilously difficult dealing with them will become.

Something tells me sneering and jeering isn't going to get that job done.

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