Behold, empty "inevitability":
As First Lady, the closest Mrs. Clinton came to an "accomplishment" was ClintonCare, which went down in flames after even Sick Willie couldn't sell it, destroyed the Democrats' congressional wing for over a decade, and consigned her to the outer darkness of "cookie baking" and "standing by her bimbo-erupting man". As a U.S. senator she did nothing except get re-elected and rich. As a presidential candidate she massively redefined the term "inevitability". As Commissar of State she accumulated a ton of frequent flier miles, bleeped up U.S. foreign policy, and got even richer. And now here we sit in 2015, with this intractable but eroding conventional wisdom that this most overrated politician of pathological self-entitlement mentality and micron-thin resume is the "only" choice for president in 2016.
It's a lot like the Chewbacca defense:
There is, quite simply, no reason for anybody - Democrats especially - to vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton, even for a seat on the local county sewage commission, much less the presidency of the United States. And the best this Iowa Donk focus group could come up with is a resigned sigh followed by, "Well, at least she's not Scott Walker".
Now it's true that these same people were saying the same thing about Barack Obama eight years ago. But he had a number of other factors working in his favor: his skin color, his youth, being the latest "fad," nearly a decade of media-stoked hatred of the GOP and media stoked hype of his "historic" candidacy. Mrs. Clinton is the diametric opposite of every single one of them: She's white, old, twenty-three years stale, fighting the twin hurricane-force headwinds of Clinton- and Obama-fatigue and an America undergoing cascading domestic and foreign policy collapses. While O was able, thanks to the media's aggressive non-vetting, to run as a BS-spouting "blank slate" on which voters could project their "hopes and dreams," Hillary is about as blank in that sense as a graffiti-encrusted railroad overpass. Indeed, the only thing people don't know about her is anything she's ever accomplished, and that's the most transparent thing about her.
But they know her. Oh, my, yes. And nobody likes her, including every last Democrat not on the Clinton Foundation's ample payroll. But Dems feel trapped by the "inevitability" fraud. And they will right up until they realize that they're not trapped at all, that they've got Hillary Rodham Clinton circa 1992 right in front of them, tanned, rested, and ready.
For leftwingnuts, Fauxcahontas is the real deal. She's a card-carrying commie, but nobody doubts what she stands for. With the Empress, some older voters might dimly remember what she used to stand for, while having no idea what she stands for today besides her own bank account, because over the past fifteen years at least, she's pretended to stand for just about everything at one time or another.
That's Hillary Clinton's "accomplishment". That and naked ambition for its own sake. She wants the presidency as the equivalent of a dowry or divorce settlement - "Bill got the kids, I got the (White) House". Her fatal problem is that that isn't nearly a good enough reason to put her back in there. Nor is her (alleged) x-chromosome. A fact that Democrat voters are eventually going to figure out, if they haven't already.
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