Tuesday, June 23, 2015

"Abnormal" Conservatives Have More Self-Control Than Liberals

by JASmius

I have always thought so.  Although there are times when it becomes awfully tempting to unload on vile animals, filthy liars, and bureaucratic despots like EPA Oberfuehrer Gina McCarthy, who is all three in spades:

EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy said Monday during a White House summit on global warming that "climate deniers" are not normal humans.

While climate hoaxsters are not sane or even human.

As long as we're keeping score....

According to the Daily Caller, McCarthy addressed a group of doctors, health professionals, and others about why the EPA feels climate change is a public health issue.

Sure.  Global warming is a "threat to the planet" (thus the need to "save" it) and a "peril to civilization" (even though the demanded "remedy" would devastate humanity just as thoroughly), so why not meat-stick it into the healthcare issue as well?  Of course, the case can much more easily be made that climate hoaxsterism is a mental health condition completely outside the bounds of rationality.

The scoreboard ought now to read Me 2, McCarthy 0.

"I am doing that not to push back on climate deniers," McCarthy said....

Ah, there's the lie.  Now I'm up a field goal.

....reports the Daily Caller, alluding to the EPA's practice of releasing reports to inform the public about climate change.

"Inform," no; keep the public from discovering that the whole thing is a vicious propaganda fraud, yes.

"You can have fun doing that if you want, but I've batted my head against the wall too many times....

Lost too many arguments and debates on the substance, as opposed to manipulated emotions.

....and if the science already hasn't changed their mind it never will.

Non-cherry-picked and covered-up "science" isn't science, it's tyrannical, religionized deception.  True science takes into account ALL the evidence and data and updates theoretical models accordingly instead of torturing the numbers to fit a discredited theory that is a pretext for political and economic violence.

"But in any democracy....

We're supposed to be a republic, Gina.  Sheesh, you're even more ignorant than I thought you were.

....it's not them that carries the day....

Sure looked like we did last November.

It is normal human beings that haven't put their stake into politics above science.....

Pot, kettle, black.

It's normal human beings....

Your definition of "normal"....

....differs drastically from mine.

....that want us to do the right thing, and we will if you help us."

Like you've given us any choice.

See?  I didn't cuss a single time throughout that entire sequence.  That is self-control of stupendous proportions.  Like Apollo Creed in the introductions of Balboa-Lang II in Rocky III.  It's something all conservatives have - like Bruce Banner's ability to morph into an enormous green rage monster, only without the rage:

Conservatives in the United States have more self-control than liberals, according to the results of a new study.

The research results appear on the National Academy of Sciences website, and they prove that right-leaning Americans have more willpower than any other political group.

"Evidence from three studies reveals a critical difference in self-control as a function of political ideology," the study's abstract reads. "Specifically, greater endorsement of political conservatism (versus liberalism) was associated with greater attention regulation and task persistence. 

Makes sense, since our task is so much more daunting than theirs ever is.  Let's see: We think, they emote; we are bound by integrity and ethics and objective truth (and science), while they are defined by nothing other than power and the "by any means necessary" mentality; we are mature, they are infantile.  I'm sure I'm leaving out a few other contrasts, but this is sufficient to make the point.

Conservatives are the adults, liberals are the snot-noses who have never grown up at all.  And every parent knows what a disaster it would be if their household was ruled by the "terrible twos" mentality.

Picture the country being ruled by it and you now have the context for the dire hazard in which America finds itself today, and the degree of "greater attention regulation and task persistence" it's going to take to resurrect the constitutional republic it once was.

Now somebody go change Gina McCarthy's diaper.  It's stunning flies at least half a mile away.

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