Who I bet you had no idea is about to announce his presidential candidacy, for some unfathomable reason. Does this mean the Washington Post fears him as a serious threat to the Democrats' White House? That's the usual reason the Left goes all "white supremacist":
As a child, he announced he wanted to go by the name “Bobby,” after a character in the Brady Bunch. He converted from Hinduism to Christianity as a teen, and was later baptized a Catholic as a student at Brown University — making his devotion to Christianity a centerpiece of his public life.
i.e. He made both decisions long before he entered politics, and the WaPo is insisting that he did so retroactively. Something that's referred to as "having a great and inspiring personal story" when it's a Democrat. You know, like Elizabeth Warren's daffy 2012 claim to be a (dishonest) injun.
He and his wife were quick to say in a Sixty Minutes interview in 2009 that they do not observe many Indian traditions — although they had two wedding ceremonies, one Hindu and one Catholic. He said recently he wants to be known simply as an American, not an Indian-American…
i.e. He assimilated, just as all immigrants used to do once upon a time, when they aspired to be Americans and what we know as multi-culti hyphenization was considered to be a slur and an insult.
And libs wonder why we consider them to be unpatriotic.
“My mom was fully committed to raising us as Americans,” Jindal said. “That was a conscious decision. We ate food that would be familiar to other families in south Louisiana. She wanted to raise us like other kids in the neighborhood.”…
What was Frigga's line to Loki when Odin was in the Odinsleep? "He kept the truth [that Loki was a Frost Giant] from you so that you would never feel different." And what is that old saying? "When in Rome, do as the Romans do". Bobby Jindal's folks couldn't very well hide their son's genetic ethnicity from him, but they gave him an American cultural veneer, which is what one should expect of a couple that left India to settle in America.
At the very least, if anybody thinks that Jindal is "insufficiently subcontinent Asian," they can't very well blame him for it.
He began wearing cowboy boots more often [as governor] and got a hunting license. In December, he and wife Supriya were pictured on their Christmas card with their three kids decked out in camouflage. The governor said he started hunting regularly more recently in life and can’t recall much about his first kill.
Yep, he's all-American, alright.
When Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi came to the United States to visit last September, a host of politicians attended his rally at Madison Square Garden. Jindal did not. When Jindal’s name was mentioned, he was booed by the crowd.
He didn't want to be a token. <shrug> If Prime Minister Modi's visit didn't affect Louisiana, and he wasn't visiting the Pelican State, what need did Governor Jindal have to be in attendance 1,358 miles away? Isn't assuming and judging him otherwise, well, racist? Which may well be more of the reason the WaPo printed this hit piece than his presidential chances, which aren't much.
Exit quip: "Makes me wonder how much more Indian culture Jindal would need to display for him to be deemed 'sufficiently Indian.' He should start telling reporters that Thursday night is 'curry night' in the Jindal household and that he’s always thought his wife looks hot in a sari. That’ll satisfy ‘em."
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