Saturday, June 27, 2015

Americans Massively Reject Obama's "Stack 'Em & Pack 'Em" Housing "Diversity" Scheme

by JASmius

Two weeks and change ago we sounded the alarm that Stan Kurtz sounded back during the 2012 campaign about Barack Obama's second-term plot to destroy real estate values nationwide, herd all Americans into giant, gray, dirty, towering, rundown, cinderblock-like high-rise apartment buildings, and force us all into public transportation.

A refresher:

The new HUD rule is really about changing the way Americans live. It is part of a broader suite of initiatives designed to block suburban development, press Americans into hyper-dense cities, and force us out of our cars. Government-mandated ethnic and racial diversification plays a role in this scheme, yet the broader goal is forced “economic integration.” The ultimate vision is to make all neighborhoods more or less alike, turning traditional cities into ultra-dense Manhattans, while making suburbs look more like cities do now. In this centrally-planned utopia, steadily increasing numbers will live cheek-by-jowl in “stack and pack” high-rises close to public transportation, while automobiles fall into relative disuse. [emphases added]

Hearteningly, it turns out that Americans don't want to brought down to the living standards and lifestyle of Vietnam (even though that's what they twice voted for).  Overwhelmingly so.  By a ten to one margin:

With the Department of Housing and Urban Development ready to release new regulations meant to "diversify" [i.e. destroy] wealthy neighborhoods, American voters overwhelmingly say that it is not the government’s job to try to bring those of different income levels to live together....

The poll questioned a thousand people who are likely to vote and determined that 83% of respondents say it is not the government’s job to diversify neighborhoods in America so that people of different income levels live together, but 8% say that it is a role for the government and 9% are not sure. An additional 86% say that government should not play a role in deciding where people can live, while a small 8% says that the government should.

If there's one universal constant in the universe, it's NIMBYism.  The promises of leftwing extremist demagogues always sound so good, so nice, so wonderful - How can anybody argue against "fairness" and "equality"?  Doesn't everybody wish that money grew on trees (God knows I do)? - But when they get power and start imposing their utopianism, and the inevitably horrific consequences start being directly felt by the lumpenproletariat, the latter inevitably develop the mother of all cases of buyer's remorse.

And at that point, it's usually too late.

Is it too late for America?  Well, you all know I've been saying that for the past two and a half years - elections have dire consequences and all that - but at some point We the People are going to get so fed up that the populace will spontaneously rebel.  The when and how of that rebellion is impossible to predict, but it likely will not be organized.  And if the "when" is in the next year and a half, it will almost certainly lead to a "spontaneous" federal crackdown that will see the U.S. government, via the FBI or DHS or the military or all three, entering into a de facto state of war with its own citizens.

In other words, nationwide martial law.  Something that seems increasingly likely in general, and particularly when the Obama Regime is coming for everybody's homes and cars and nine out of every ten Americans are saying, "over our dead bodies".

That's the one wish The One will generously grant.

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