Beats me why they're not just splashing across the Rio Grande directly and openly. After all, it's not as though anybody would try to stop them, or even notice:
Tunnels used by drug dealers to sneak narcotics and cash from Mexico into the United States could also become an underground route for Islamic State terrorists to enter the country, a former FBI agent is warning.
"Drug dealers have found a way to move money without it being followed," the former agent, Tyrone Powers, said, according a story posted by Siouxland News, the website for CBS affiliate KMEG and Fox44 in Sioux City, South Dakota. "They found a way to move people in and out and they found a way to move product."
South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, also a 2016 presidential candidate, agreed that "the stronger they get over there, the more power they have so I can definitely see, in the future, collaboration between terrorist groups and drug dealers to our south."
"In the future"? Since when did he become such an optimist?
Powers said that the individuals that could come "maybe, at some point, suicide bombers, which is really scary, and then weapons of mass destruction."
"At some point"? Is there any evidence to suggest that this hasn't already taken place? Does anybody know?
Terrorism experts believe Mexico's unstable leadership, along with ruthless drug cartels are creating a vacuum that ISIS could exploit.
"Could"? What makes anybody think this is a mere hypothetical?
"What's been going on in Mexico creates an opportunity for any organization to try to take advantage of it, whether it's ISIS or Al Shabbab," Brandon Behlendorf, a terrorist targeting strategist,commented.
If ISIS "could" infiltrate the country via Mexican cartel tunnels, they already have and are continuing to do so. And the resulting attacks are not going to be piecemeal. If any lesson should have been learned from the 9/11 attacks, it is that to truly bring down the United States, you have to do a lot more than just "bloody our nose". All bringing down the World Trade Center towers and one side of the Pentagon accomplished was to sic what was then the mightiest military power on Earth against Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda. By the end of the decade, al Qaeda really had been decimated and not long after that, din Laden was a corpse. It took the votes of sixty-two million American voters to truly begin the process of America's fall.
Abu Bakr al-Bagdadi has surely learned that lesson and will surely apply it. Which means that he's going to skip suicide bombings and go straight to WMDs, and the more spectacular the better. Whether that's nuking Manhattan or a radiological dusting of Chicago or wherever, ISIS's North American offensive will inflict casualties in the hundreds of thousands, if not more.
Because there's one other lesson that I'm positive ABa-B has learned: The 9/11 attacks ultimately led to the rise of Barack Obama and the decline of America. Sending up a major U.S. city or cities in nuclear flames is thus entirely likely to cause We the People to completely tear ourselves apart limb from limb - from the top down.
And now, fourteen years later, that kind of chaos would require not even a tap, much less a push.
Welcome to "twilight's last gleaming".
I don't mean Kristen Stewart.
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