How do you say, "Nya nya-nya nya-nya nya!" in Farsi?:
Iran's envoy to the U.N. nuclear agency declined on Thursday to commit to nuclear transparency measures that were part of a preliminary deal Tehran and world powers reached in April, deflecting U.S. demands to implement such provisions.
The United States urged Iran to implement the so-called Additional Protocol, which allows more intrusive access to Iranian sites, and Code 3.1, which requires from Iran early notification of the construction of any new nuclear facilities.
"These are the issues still under discussion and I believe we should wait to see the final text... and before that, we cannot prejudge anything," Reza Najafi told reporters. [emphasis added]
"Urged"? The United States "urged"? Why didn't the United States order Iran to implement the "Additional Protocol" and Code 3.1 upon penalty of severe military reprisals?
Oh, piffle, you know why. So do the mullahs. We've just reached (again) the point in the circle-jerk cycle where we're almost to an agreement and then they pull away (again), scuttle the whole thing, and the whole tiresome process regresses all the way back to square one and grinds forward.
Why? Oh, piffle, you know why: to wring still more concessions from us, and buy yet more time for Tehran to build a nuclear arsenal that dwarfs our own, much less Israel's.
Ya know, even Balshazzar could see the handwriting on the wall. Barack Obama doesn't even need a Daniel to translate it. But he's determined to have his Neville Chamberlain moment, and will let nothing stand in his way.
Kind of like the mullahs and nuclear weapons, actually.

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