Thursday, June 11, 2015

Obamacare Subsidies A Mess by Design

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The Supreme Court is supremely prepared to hand down their decision about Obamacare subsidies, we are being told, and if the court rules against Obamacare, it could unravel President Barack Obama's signature legislation and destroy the whole framework of the Affordable Care Act.

Not true.

In reality, the law is designed sort of like the hoax of man-made global warming.  No matter what happens, it's good for the final round.

Here's what's going on.  The Supreme Court, tasked with the unconstitutional power to dictate what is or isn't constitutional (Judicial Review, a power the courts handed to themselves through historical rulings, but not granted by the Constitution), will be ruling with their elitist gavel of power whether or not the people of the United States should be allowed to get subsidies to help them out with the very expensive and atrocious Obamacare law if their State didn't set up subsidies themselves.  The way the law is worded, and in this case it is not about intent, but the specific wording of the law, each State had the option to either create its own marketplace or use, created by the federal government. Thirty-four states chose to go with However, also according to the law, tax-credit subsidies can only be used by consumers using an insurance marketplace that was “established by the state.” So, "King," in King v. Burwell, argues that the provision requiring that subsidies are only available to those using Obamacare through a marketplace "established by the state" ultimately makes it illegal to offer tax credits to anyone who is enrolled in Obamacare through -- the marketplace established not by States but by the federal government.

Okay. So we have a failed and miserable beginning for the website, the court ruling in 2012 that States could not be forced to expand Medicaid, and now this.  Death to Obamacare, right?

So, goes the argument, if the courts slam Obamacare on this one, within a month, subsidies would be cut off to consumers in States that rely on the federal marketplace.  Therefore, in 2016 as many as 6 million Americans wouldn’t qualify for tax credits.

Devastating, right?

Poor people just can't afford insurance, we are told, and without the tax credits a whole bunch of folks will have to opt out of having health insurance, even if it means being fined because they aren't following the government dictate that forces Americans to buy insurance or else face a fine through your taxes.  And if a bunch of healthy people leave the market, and the insurance companies are full of consumers that are sick people, that will kill the idea of the pool that insurance represents.  Then, as we are being told, the mean-old insurance companies, stuck with an overabundance of sick people, with not enough healthy people paying in, will have all the incentive in the world to do as they've been wanting to do, and start jacking up their rates. And some of those insurance companies, unable to compete, will flee the government controlled marketplace, and if they do that, the whole thing will collapse.

What a travesty for Obamacare.  Well, it was a good run, but I guess it was never meant to be.

Not so fast.

If all of that was to happen, what do you think would be the next line of actions committed by the States, people, and the government?  Remember, a vast majority of the lower income participants that would lose their subsidies are minorities.  We've already been told white American conservatives are a bunch of racists and sexists, the minorities are poised to riot at the first sign of racism, and the justices that would take all of this away from those poor people are a bunch of old white guys.  (Justice Clarence Thomas, I've been told, doesn't count.  He's a sell-out).

Either, the States will suddenly have the incentive to set up the exchanges they refused to set up, or the screaming and the rioting will get so bad that the government will have to swoop in to save the day by abolishing what is left of the private industry, and implementing single payer universal medicine fully funded and controlled by the federal government. . . free healthcare for all, finally, as promised, just in time for the 2016 Presidential Election.

I can see the campaign slogans now.  "Free healthcare was brought to you by the Democrats, after the Republicans viciously destroyed Obamacare.  You're Welcome."

Obamacare was not written to succeed, but to usher in more government control.  Leftism does what they do incrementally, weening you from liberty, so that you get used to the government controlling things, and so that they can get you believing that you are better off that way, and then when small-government types come along to move us back towards a more constitutionally-based government, they scream, "See?  Those rightwingers want to take away your benefits.  They are mean, racist, and hate the poor."

It's a tried and true formula that has worked since the dawn of time, and the Left isn't about to abandon that recipe just yet.

As for the true solution for health care in America?  The Free Market.  If we were to return to the patient/provider relationship, and all but eliminate third party insurance (including government paid), the costs would drop like a rock.  Doctors would become business owners, again, dropping the rates, and increasing the quality and perks, to get your business.

It is that kind of thinking, competition, and unfettered capitalism that made this nation prosperous.  We didn't start having troubles until the federal government stuck their nose into everything.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

King v. Burwell; How one Supreme Court Case could Unravel Obamacare - Yahoo News

Study Claims the World's Population is Getting Older, Sicker - Breitbart

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