Monday, June 22, 2015

Left Quickly Switches From Gun Card To Race Card On Charleston Shooting

by JASmius

[T]he Left finally has the propaganda cudgel they've been waiting for - a white, Aryan looking young man mowing down a church full of black worshippers, including the pastor....with which to stampede the country towards gun control, re-inflame "white guilt," smear conservatives nationwide with the "collective responsibility" for it, and at the very least, stoke up Barack Obama's long sought race war even hotter....

Welcome to the media-imposed face of the Republican Party for the next sixteen months and change, ladies and gentlemen. By the time this presidential cycle is over, you'll know Dylann Roof's face better than you do those of your own children.
- Me, four days ago

It's not prophecy when the prediction is so obvious:

Barack Obama said the United States has not overcome its history of racism and is using the N-word to make his case.

Because he won't allow the United States to leave racism behind.  He NEEDS racism to advance his tyrannical, racist Agenda.  A society at endless war with itself is the core of "fundamental transformation".

In an interview, Obama weighed in on the debate over race and guns that has erupted after the arrest of a white man for the racially motivated shooting deaths of nine black church members in Charleston, South Carolina.

"Racism, we are not cured of it," Obama said. "And it's not just a matter of it not being [too] polite to say "nigger" in public. That's not the measure of whether racism still exists or not. It's not just a matter of overt discrimination.

Why not?  It used to be, after all.  True racists wear their racism on the their proverbial sleeves, as Dylann Roof did, and as people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and Eric Holder and the NAACP and, yes, Barack Obama do.  It's who they are, and they're proud of it,  It's a choice,

Such as,,,,smearing your racial enemies as racists.

Societies don't, overnight, completely erase everything that happened 200 to 300 years prior."

Not if they're not allowed to move on from it, and constantly have their nose rubbed in it, they can't.

The president said while attitudes about race have improved significantly since he was born to a white mother and black father, the legacy of slavery "casts a long shadow and that's still part of our DNA that's passed on."

In other words, we as a culture have been "cured of racism" - something which the actions of one degenerate do not change, and which Obama's own election and re-election ought to conclusively and summarily demonstrate - and that is a mortal threat to the political interests of the party of the KKK, so that reality and the racial harmony it would engender cannot be permitted to settle into the public's collective consciousness,

And, of course, this task of anti-white demagoguery isn't limited to Black Klansmen but is farmed out to their white Uncle Toms as well:

Democrat presidential candidate Martin O'Malley said Sunday that racism is partly to blame for the absence of new federal gun-control legislation.

Uh-huh.  The Second Amendment couldn't possibly have anything to do with it.  And besides, it was written by white slaveholders, right?

“One of the sad triumphs of white racism is the degree to which it has succeeded in subconsciously convincing so many of us, black and white, that somehow black lives don’t matter,” O'Malley said at a U.S. Conference of Mayors gathering in San Francisco, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Despicable public statements like that one are one of the emblematic triumphs of black racism and leftwing extremism.  One callow Skinhead opens fire in a black church and it's a racist atrocity - which it was.  Hordes of black insurrectionists burn down multiple communities across the country, black and white businesses and neighborhoods alike, on flagrantly racist and false pretenses, and that's called "social justice".

“If the thousands of young men killed by gun violence every year across America were young, poor, and white — rather than young, poor, and black — it is hard to imagine that our Congress would continue to block common-sense measures to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.”

Laws don't keep guns out of the hands of criminals, you moron, because criminals - black AND white - are law-breakers by definition.  All commonsenseless gun control measures would accomplish is to disarm law-abiding citizens - black AND white - and leave them defenseless against the criminal element, all the more so since the Left's war on local law enforcement is drastically eroding the cops' ability and willingness to defend the public.  And also defenseless against the government itself, which the Second Amendment was promulgated in no small part to remedy.

If Dylann Root had had reason to believe that the worshippers at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church might shoot back at him, he would have been much less likely to have gone their on his murderous "mission".  What part of "soft target" do you have such difficulty grasping?

“How many acts of violence do we have to endure as a people before we stand up to the congressional lobbyists of the National Rifle Association?” he said, citing recent shootings in Newtown, Connecticut; Aurora, Colorado; and the Washington, D.C., Navy Yard, according to the newspaper.

How many race cards do we have to endure as a people before you get through your thick skull the pathetic weakness of your argument and how transparent your hostility to the United States Constitution really is?

And, obligatorily, Governor O'Malley ordered South Carolina to take down and burn its Confederate battle flag, as though it were any of his business or purview.  Perhaps you'd like to reimpose Reconstruction on them as well, Marty?

Meanwhile, I'm astonished that the media took this long to churn out this story:

Texas Senator Ted Cruz said he plans to return thousands of dollars donated to his presidential campaign by a Lone Star State white supremacist whose group’s teachings appear to have influenced Dylann Roof, the twenty-one-year-old accused of gunning down nine black worshipers at a Charleston, South Carolina, church.

The Cruz campaign told the New York Times on Sunday that it had just learned of Earl Holt III’s contributions and would be "immediately refunding all those donations."

Holt, 62, lists himself as the president of the Council of Conservative Citizens, an organization characterized by the Southern Poverty Law Center....

A racist, leftwing terrorist organization, BTW. "condemning race mixing, decrying the evils of illegal immigration, and lamenting the decline of white, European civilization."

Two out of three ain't bad, especially since Western civilization has benefited ALL ethnicities more than any other in human history, because its Judeo-Christian values of freedom, liberty, and self-determination - what used to be defined as "progressive" - are not racially derived.

The [London] Guardian reported Sunday that Holt has given some $65,000 to Republican campaigns in recent years, including Cruz, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul and former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum.

The Santorum and Paul campaigns did not immediately respond to the Times' requests for comment on the donations.

Looks to me like the Santorum and Paul campaigns are more PR savvy than Senator Cruz's operation.  Why dignify such racist McCarthyism with a response that makes you look obsequiously defensive?  All such a "request for comment" that the NYT would just twist and misrepresent should be met with is a wall of contemptuous silence that refuses to keep their Narrative in their own headlines.  Simply refuse to play the role that they would have us play.  Do not get knocked off-message.  Refuse to let yourself be defined, but zealously guard and defend the reality of your self-definition,

No Republican condemns "race-mixing," just as no Republican made, or was rooting for, Dylan Roof to shoot up that black Charleston church, and they, and we, are under no obligation to apologize for views we've never held or actions we've never undertaken.  Yet, once again, the Narrative that any opposition to the leftwingnut Agenda comes from the Aryan Nations and the American Nazi Party, and we are all preemptively and definitionally guilty with no need of due process or the tiniest molecule of evidence is being pushed with a zealot's fervor.

Dylann Roof is the gift to the Democrats that will keep on giving in direct proportion to the degree to which Republicans cooperate with it.  The choice is up to them.

For me and my house, that choice is already made.

UPDATE: The aforementioned SPLC terrorist group, while encouraging and reveling in black racist violence, mayhem, destruction, and revolution, also found the time to make up the vast white-wing conspiracy:

The racially motivated killings of nine worshipers at a black church in Charleston, S.C., by a twenty-one-year-old white supremacist are illustrative of the "growing globalization of white nationalism," according to the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Morris Dees and J. Richard Cohen, the organization’s founder and president, respectively.

"The days of thinking of domestic terrorism as the work of a few Klansmen or belligerent skinheads are over," warn Dees and Cohen in an op-ed published in the New York Times.

"We know Islamic terrorists are thinking globally, and we confront that threat. We’ve been too slow to realize that white supremacists are doing the same."

Sure.  Because "white supremacists" are overrunning huge areas of the country and beyond, shooting and crucifying and immolating the entire black population and splattering video footage of each offing, nailing, and torching on the Internet, necessitating a global military coalition to even slow them down,

You know, there is a growing possibility that these racist animals will overplay there hand in their reckless enthusiasm.  This "white people = ISIS" garbage is a pretty hefty down-payment on it,

UPDATE II: Cornell West joins the "let's have a race war" chorus:

Black people, including Barack Obama, are afraid to take on the issue of "white supremacy," "professor" Cornell West said on Monday.

West, appearing on CNN Newsroom, was reacting to Obama's use of the N-word on a Marc Maron podcast....

"Too many black people are niggerized," West said in response. "I would say the first black president has become the first niggerized black president."

Asked what that meant, West said he was describing "a black person who is afraid and scared and intimidated when it comes to putting a spotlight on white supremacy and fighting against white supremacy."

People such as himself have been told Obama can't focus on racism because he has other issues and political calculations to deal with, West said.

"We know he's president of all America, but white supremacy is American as cherry pie," West said. [emphases added]

So now, in the eyes of the Black Klan, even Barack Obama has become an Uncle Tom.  That's how bad they want a coast-to-coast race war against a fictional strawman "white supremacist army" that will accomplish nothing other than to oppress and maim and kill countless white and black and other Americans alike in an orgy of violence and chaos that will rip the country apart.

Sounds like a revolution to me....

UPDATE III: Remember Piers Morgan?  White and British and an irrelevant failure on CNN and a good little Uncle Jerome?


What would I do with white people who use the N-word? Jail them.

Not black people who use it against each other, and not any other ethnic minority that uses it against blacks; just "white people".  In flagrant violation of the First and Fourteenth Amendments against something that would be impossible for the "authorities" to police short of forcing all "white people" to wear wi-fi tracking collars.  Which I'm sure is somewhere on the Obama Agenda, but hasn't been announced yet because he's such a pathetic Uncle Tom.

It's a damn shame O canceled the American space program, because if there was ever a time to emigrate to Mars, this would definitely be it.

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