Thursday, June 04, 2015

The African-American Spring Hits Obama Central

by JASmius

A black Chicago pastor speaks the truth to power - and backs up his courageous words with his party registration:

“African-Americans have been loyal to the Democrat Party,” Pastor Corey Brooks said. “But there is a group of African-Americans that feel like the Democrat Party has not been loyal to us.”

Not far from O Block — named for a fallen gang member killed by a female assassin — is New Beginnings Church of Chicago, where Brooks sat in his office Wednesday morning laying out the case for Republican presidential candidates to visit the area.

So far, only Rand Paul already has taken him up on his offer – extended to all candidates of each party. The two walked through Parkway Gardens, an apartment complex along O Block, after Paul’s speech to his congregation. …

“We have a large, disproportionate number of people who are impoverished. We have a disproportionate number of people who are incarcerated, we have a disproportionate number of people who are unemployed, the educational system has totally failed, and all of this primarily has been under Democrat regimes in our neighborhoods.” Brooks said from the office of New Beginnings Church of Chicago, his own, Wednesday morning. “So, the question for me becomes, how can our neighborhoods be doing so awful and so bad when we’re so loyal to this party who is in power? It’s a matter of them taking complete advantage of our vote.”

With the obligatory and necessary caveat about "Do not trust in princes, in mortal man, in whom there is no salvation," it would be wise of the entire GOP thundering herd to take up Pastor Brooks on his offer, even if it would preempt his own sermons for the next several years.  So far only one candidate that matters (Scott Walker) and two that do not (Rand Paul, Ted Cruz) have or are planning to do so.  Hopefully those that do don't flock to New Beginnings to try to racially out-pander the Dems, but, as it were, preach the "gospel" of constitutional conservatism across the board and lay out precisely why the GOP can be a better, natural home for African-Americans than the welfare plantation of the Democrats has ever been or could ever be - as, prior to half a century ago, it once was.

Pastor Brooks recognizes that the Dems are endless on empty promises and bupkis on concrete results.  Time to show his flock that there really is a better way.

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