Thursday, June 04, 2015

ChiComm Hackers Steal Four Million U.S. Personnel Records

by JASmius

Is there any part of our national security infrastructure or capabilities that Barack Obama hasn't defenestrated? Make you wonder who is first in line to cyber-paralyze us - the NoKos, the Russians, the Islamic State, the Iranians, or the ChiComms, who have also already "hacked into U.S. defense contractors, obtaining information on defense systems such as the F-35 Lightning Joint Strike Fighter, which could enable China to 'disrupt the aircraft's sophisticated electronics, rendering the jet either ineffective in combat or, more likely, vulnerable to increasingly sophisticated Chinese air defenses'" - and why they haven't done it already.

- Me, three days ago

This isn't quite that, but it still has staggering intelligence potentialities:

China-based hackers are suspected of breaking into the computer networks of the U.S. government personnel office and stealing identifying information of at least 4 million federal workers, American officials said Thursday.

The Department of Homeland Security said in a statement that data from the Office of Personnel Management and the Interior Department had been compromised.

"The FBI is conducting an investigation to identify how and why this occurred," the statement said.... [emphasis added]

I understand why the FBI needs to conduct that investigation; but isn't the "how" and "why" pretty abundantly clear?  The thing they need to find out is what and how much other sensitive information the ChiComms stole.

[Maine Republican Senator Susan] Collins, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said the breach was "yet another indication of a foreign power probing successfully and focusing on what appears to be data that would identify people with security clearances."

A U.S. official who declined to be identified said the data breach could potentially affect every federal agency. One key question is whether intelligence agency employee information was stolen. Former government employees are affected as well.

"This is an attack against the nation," said Ken Ammon, chief strategy officer of Xceedium, who said the attack fit the pattern of those carried out by nation-states for the purpose of espionage.

The information stolen could be used to impersonate or blackmail federal employees with access to sensitive information, he said. [emphases added]

I would suggest that this fiasco dwarfs the TSA's 95% bombs/weapons detection failure rate disclosed on Monday.  And while the TSA is a "happy-hands sieve" for airport security, that is obviously just a symptom of the core problem: the entire Obama Regime is a national security sieve, wide open to any enemy with a computer, the right hacking software, and Internet access, gutted of any capability of defending the nation against those enemies, and lacking any will, desire, and inclination to bother doing so even if they were capable.

We're back to the same continuing question: Is it possible for one White House to be this incompetent?  Seeing as how no previous administration ever was, that this one could possibly be is simply beyond the pale of credulity.

It'll be interesting to see the spin the FBI comes up with to cover this one up, and how they'll manage to blame it on "Republican budget cuts".  Good thing DOJ never disappoints on this sort of thing.

This much, at least, the ChiComms won't be reading first.

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