Friday, June 26, 2015

Thousands Expected @ Obama's Charleston Black Klan Rally

by JASmius

I wish I could believe that all this will be is a tribute to the Charleston shooting victims.  I really do.  And I"m sure that O will pay lip service to that, especially as he claims that Pastor Clementa Pinckney was a close friend.

But then again, if he truly wanted to pay tribute to the Charleston shooting victims, he'd stay away and let their families and local South Carolinians have the memorials and funerals and remembrances.  Because his presence will politicize everything by definition, no matter what he says.

And his remarks will not be limited to eulogies, which is why thousands are going to be in attendance:

The first [mulatto] president of the United States is coming to Charleston to eulogize the victims of a mass shooting at a historic African-American church — a tragedy that one civil rights [extrem]ist said was a sign of "how far yet" the nation has to go to put racial tensions behind it.

Thousands of mourners were expected to gather Friday to hear Barack Obama pay tribute to the pastor and eight parishioners of the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. The nine were slain at the church during a Bible study session last week in what authorities are investigating as a racially motivated attack.

The nation cannot "put racial tensions behind it" until "civil rights activists" cease stirring them up.  I mean, really, for whoever that was to utter those words after Ferguson and New York and Oakland and Madison and Milwaukee and Cleveland and Baltimore is little short of outrageous.

And unstacking the deck for the sake of conversation, does not the fact that "the nation" was universally shocked and repelled at Dylann Roof's heinous actions and universally condemnatory of it conclusively prove that "the nation" HAS put racial tensions behind it, other than what the Black Klan keeps stirring up?  There will always be fringe degenerates like Mr. Roof or Earl Potts III and whomever else, but they do not define "white America" or America, period.

And that is, I suspect, what Barack Obama will do at this Charleston victims tribute: amplify the racist lie that they do.  Something that may accomplish many things, but "reducing national racial tensions" will not be among them.

Exit question: If Elton Simpson and his Muzzie accomplice had succeeded in mowing down the "Draw Mohammed" event in Garland, Texas, a couple of months ago, do you think there'd have been any massive public "tribute" for Pamela Geller and attendees, much less Barack Obama headlining it, or would he have sneeringly said....

Sorry, rhetorical question.

UPDATE (6/27): Told you so.

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