Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Counter Jade Helm

By Douglas V. Gibbs

After reading a number of articles on Political Pistachio about Jade Helm 15, and the effort emerging to monitor and counter the military's intrusion into the States targeted during this exercises, a reader in Texas asked how they could get involved in the effort.  The response by yours truly attempted to help this person seek out and find a way to be involved, but in the end it will really be up to that person to make the connections.

The counter Jade Helm efforts are being manned by various groups that are largely operating as independent islands from each other.  There is no central authority regarding these efforts.  Here in southern California the counter Jade Helm effort is largely made up of State Militia members, military veterans, and folks that know each other from the Minuteman Project and who got to know each other when they went up to the Bundy Ranch confrontation against the Bureau of Land Management.  I have an acquaintance who recently returned from Texas, where he worked with a number of groups monitoring the Operation Jade Helm movements.  He has not been willing to divulge his contacts, but he said the effort is massive, and fairly well coordinated.

If someone wishes to join the counter Jade Helm efforts, the most likely chance to find out how to be involved would be to first contact active constitutionalist groups in the area, possibly Oath Keepers groups, or State Militia members.  They are likely in touch with those that are involved in the effort, if not directly involved, and active, in the counter Jade Helm effort.  I appreciate the desire of concerned Americans to be a part of stopping unconstitutional federal aggression against the sovereign citizens of the several States.  We all have our own individual, unique, strengths.  Some of us are great at engaging the public, some are talented at counter Jade Helm style operations, some are really good keyboard commandos, some are public speakers or educators, and some have infiltrated the liberal left and provide intel for the efforts to fight the tyranny the liberal left is promoting against the United States of America.  For those of you making a concerted effort to restore the republic, thank you for all that you are doing.  For the rest of you, remember, sitting on the couch and complaining is not an effective strategy.
Douglas V. Gibbs
Constitution Radio, KMET AM1490
Conservative Voice Radio, KMET AM1490
Author, 25 Myths of the United States Constitution, The Basic Constitution, and Silenced Screams
President, Constitution Association 

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