We always knew that these Islamic State-esque butchers were shameless liars, but their desire to keep illustrating it is apparently insatiable:
In background documents sent to reporters on Tuesday, Planned Parenthood's public relations firm calls the organization's harvesting of human organs a "humanitarian undertaking."
"Aborted pregnancy tissue donation and research are humanitarian undertakings that hold the potential to cure disease, save lives, and ameliorate suffering," according to the "backgrounder" distributed by Camino Public Relations, which has a longstanding relationship with Planned Parenthood Federation of America.
Sure. Just like all the false teeth and gold fillings ripped from the mouths of Holocaust victims cured periodontal disease, ameliorated oral suffering, and advanced the standards of European dentistry.
Another background document seems to suggest that David Daleiden of the Center for Medical Progress, the group that performed the undercover investigation of Planned Parenthood, should not be trusted because he has "written articles for opposition outlet the Weekly Standard and Human Life Review."
So Mr. Daleiden is of the "wrong tribe," and therefore "evil" says the demoniacs who have the blood of tens of millions of dismembered children on their hands.
Elizabeth Toledo of Camino Public Relations confirmed to me Tuesday night that Camino is working for Planned Parenthood. Toledo, former VP of Communicatins at Planned Parenthood, reiterated that Planned Parenthood only seeks reimbursement for donating what she called the "products of conception" for research.
i.e. Illegally (unless Barack Obama has legalized it by Executive Order) selling fetal body fragments on the black market. What an Orwellian turn of phrase. Aren't we ALL "products of conception"?
“It’s not like someone comes and say like 'I’d like to buy an arm,' or something like that. It really doesn’t work that way," Toledo told me. "They take the products of conception and they send it to whoever. It’s just not the kind of gruesome process" that critics suggest it is.
i.e. Planned Parenthood has some degrees of separation in the dead baby organ supply chain for the purposes of plausible deniability. Which is why their fetal dismemberment harvesting and sales haven't come to light until now.
Yes, Miss Toledo, it IS like someone comes in and says, "I'd like to buy an arm". Or a heart, or a liver, or a spleen, which I understand is a fine delicacy in Planned Parenthood staff cafeterias.
I, like the rest of you, am dubious about any congressional investigations accomplishing anything in this regard, just as they've been profound wastes of time in "investigating" all of Barack Obama's various and sundry scandals. But even the light of publicity such hearings would shine on this Naziesque practice more than justifies House Speaker John Boehner's and Senator Ted Cruz's calls for them, and the latter's demand that Planned Parenthood be "fully defunded".
If this outrage doesn't make that possible, nothing will.
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