The GOP Congressman is Carlos Curbelo (R-FL26), who just happens to be a....Jeb Bush supporter. And while I have no doubt that Trump will eventually be Mrs. Clinton's Ross Perot-esque stalking horse/spoiler in next year's general campaign, right now it's Bush III who is the biggest beneficiary of Trump's faux populist antics by the latter serving as the media's designated "conservative alternative" (i.e. he's rich and he's duping the Tea Party base by telling them what they want to hear in the way they want to hear it) to Jeb the "reasonable" and "moderate" front-runner. Heck, it's already been established that the more Trump bashes Jeb, the higher Jeb rises in the (meaningless) national polls, while Trump is right behind him, sucking all the oxygen away from the true conservative alternatives.
So Representative Curbelo isn't the best 'Pubbie to be telling the truth about Trump. But at least somebody is:
Curbelo, who supports Jeb Bush for president, piled on.
“There are too many important national, local international topics to waste time talking about a person who, I repeat, in my judgment is irrelevant — and who quite possibly is a phantom candidate recruited by the left to create this entire political circus,” he said.
And he further explained to Miami radio host Roberto Rodríguez Tejera.
“I think there’s a small possibility that this gentleman is a phantom candidate,” Curbelo said. “Mr. Trump has a close friendship with Bill and Hillary Clinton. They were at his last wedding. He has contributed to the Clintons’ foundation. He has contributed to Mrs. Clinton’s Senate campaigns. All of this is very suspicious.”
Trump denied it, of course. But why is that any kind of surprise? If he is secretly in cahoots with the Empress - and he's been very chummy with La Clinton Nostra over the years, including very recently - why would he admit it now? Heck, Perot didn't back in the '90s when his spoiler-playing twice elected her husband, even though it was pretty close to nakedly obvious. And if he isn't....well, that's difficult to see, seeing as how he's flirted with presidential runs before and never actually jumped in, so just his roaring ego wouldn't seem to be a big enough factor. So why would he jump in now? It seems pretty clear to me that there's been some sort of quid pro quo. What that would be - a Treasury Commissar gig? Giving him Mr. Bill's Big Black Book? - I can't imagine. But what it is matters less than that it's got Trump doing perhaps the only thing that can prevent a conservative renaissance and put Mrs. Clinton back in the Oval Office.
If only Tea Partiers could breathe into their paper bags for a few days, let the red haze fade from their vision, and otherwise calm down enough to let their brains start functioning again to realize it.
Exit quote from Allahpundit: "Just because the guy [is] pro-[abortion] and th[inks] health care is a right and back[s] “a path” for thirty million illegal [alien]s and said Obama’s policies saved us from a depression and called Hillary “very, very capable” and donated lots of money to Democrats and exploited eminent domain laws to build his real estate empire doesn’t mean he’s a closet liberal. It just means his politics are … highly nuanced, I guess?"
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