Friday, July 17, 2015

Obama On Chattanooga ISIS Attack: "Get Rid Of The Guns"

by JASmius

As soon as we saw two aspects of yesterday's Chattanooga, Tennessee, active shooting attack - targeting U.S. military facilities and shots in multiple areas (which turned out to be Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez pulling multiple drive-bys) - I thought "jihadist attack".  The additional little hop to ISIS membership, affiliation, or inspiration was just a short hop from there.

Now we see 'mad's recent blog posts, and they're simply fascinating:

The twenty-four-year-old man accused of gunning down four Marines in Chattanooga, Tennessee, blogged on Monday that "life is short and bitter" and Muslims should not miss an opportunity to "submit to Allah," according to an organization that tracks extremist groups. He was shot dead in the shooting spree.

The SITE Intelligence Group said a July 13th post written by suspected gunman Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez stressed the sacrifice of the Sahaba (companions of the Prophet) "fought Jihad for the sake of Allah."

The real Abdulazeez makes a strong, and increasingly typical, contrast with the Americanized facade his friends and neighbors saw him:

The blog sharply contrasts with how friends and neighbors described Abdulazeez: a lover of soccer, someone who never caused trouble and who proudly graduated from college as an engineer....

Abdulazeez was a naturalized U.S. citizen born in Kuwait in 1990, according to NBC News. Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990 and U.S.-led forces liberated the country several months later.

According to SITE, his mother is from Kuwait and his father from Palestine.

It is unclear when Abdulazeez came to the United States but for many years he lived with his parents in a two-story home in Hixson, a suburb of Chattanooga.

Houses in the neighborhood are one- and two-stories surrounded by well-manicured lawns. He lived on a narrow hilly street, with basketball hoops in many driveways.

Mary Winter, president of the Colonial Shores Neighborhood Association, said she has known Abdulazeez and his family for more than ten years.

"We are all devastated and in disbelief. He's only twenty-four, to do this," she said. "We've known him and his sisters since he was very young. I think only his parents live there now. We're all shocked and saddened. He never caused any trouble."

Winston Garth, who recalled playing soccer with Abdulazeez at high school near Chattanooga, said he was incredibly surprised that Abdulazeez was the suspected gunman.

"He was always real quiet," Garth said. "I just remember him as being really into media studies and making videos, which he was really good at."

Well, you know what they say: It's the quiet ones you have to watch.  But in this context, it's the Muslims you have to watch.  ALL of them.  The most likely scenario is that Mr. Abdulazeez was originally an American kid of Muslim extraction who was "devilized" back to his Islamic Fundamentalist roots by the global social media reach of the Islamic State.  Which means that ISIS doesn't need, as al Qaeda did in their 9/11 plot, to send sleeper agents to the U.S. to set up attacks of various sizes, because, as the Muslim population of the U.S. continues to skyrocket thanks to the Obama Regime, ISIS has millions of potential sleeper agents here already, just waiting to be "radicalized" and sent on their next murderous "anti-infidel" mission.

And depending upon the technical expertise and access to "raw materials" of its newest such recruits, ISIS might not even need to smuggle in the ingredients for a radiological or other nuclear weapon, because their freshly minted catspaws might be able to gather everything they'd need to reduce the population of, say, Chicago to zero all by themselves.  Same thing for an al Qaeda-style Islamikaze attack, or an active shooting attack like Mr. Abdulazeez carried out, or who knows what else.  Anybody know if The One's Secret Service protection detail has any Muslim agents on it?

I'd wager it does, given the Regime's reflexively rote Islamophilic boilerplate:

While treating the Thursday shootings as "an act of domestic terrorism", the Federal Bureau of Investigation said it was too early to speculate on motives.

<sigh>  In other words, the motives are obvious but cut against Barack Obama's pro-Islamic inclinations, so they're going to waste time and resources looking for any other kind of motives that are not, in fact, present.  Because to do anything else would be "Islamophobic".

Now, as we arrive at former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay's comments on the subject, let me clarify that ISIS attacks on the United States, whether "lone wolf" hatchet attacks on New York City sidewalks all the way up to nuclear strikes are not going to stop because a Republican replaces Barack Obama in the White House.  Although putting the right Republican in the White House could somewhat increase the deterrent effect, as the Iranian mullahgarchy couldn't release their U.S. hostages fast enough once Ronald Reagan got access to the nuclear "football," you will recall.

Regardless, it serves to underscore the absolute imperative of being rid of Barack Obama and restoring pro-American sanity to the Oval Office:

The bloodbath in which four Marines were shot dead by a deranged gunman on Thursday is all the more reason why the United States desperately needs a new president, Tom DeLay, a former U.S. House majority leader, tells Newsmax TV.

"We're going to have to change the president because this president's answer to all of this is get rid of guns," DeLay, a Texas Republican, said Thursday on The Steve Malzberg Show.

Naturally.  The gunman was not a white supremacist, so the race card couldn't be played.  The gunman was a Muslim, so no identity politics angle could be pursued at all.  What does that leave?  Gun control, of course. And remember, there was a "no guns allowed beyond this point" sign right on the door of that U.S. military recruitment center that Mr. Abudlazeez shot up.  Because it just wouldn't have been fair not to advertise to every potential ISIS recruit that every U.S. military facility and installation is a "soft target":

DeLay, a Washington Times radio host, said enhanced security at military facilities should have been a priority following the 2009 rampage at Fort Hood, which left thirteen people dead and more than thirty wounded. "Why haven't we learned something from the shooting at Fort Hood? I was totally shocked after that shooting in Fort Hood that soldiers that are trained to use firearms are not allowed to carry firearms on an Army base," he said. "I know a lot of congressmen started speaking out about that. Why hasn't the Obama administration and our military [started to] understand that we are at war, this war on terror, our military [is] being targeted … Why aren't we on high alert and allow our soldiers to carry firearms?"

Rhetorical questions to which "The Hammer" knows all the answers: The Fort Hood shooting was "workplace violence" caused by "guns"; "We're not at war with Islam and Islam isn't at war with us" no matter how many of us jihadists slaughter; and America's REAL enemies are....Americans, particularly conservatives, constitutionalists, Jews, and evangelical Christians, and ESPECIALLY soldiers, sailors, airpeople, Marines, and Coast Guardspeople "violence freaks and war criminals," which is why the U.S. armed forces are being miniaturized into strategic impotence and irrelevance and "fundamentally transformed" into a gaggle of pacifists, perverts and freaks.

Allow me to reiterate a rhetorical construct I've used often over the past six and a half years: Barack Obama and the Democrat Party are not our elected leaders, they are an occupying enemy force that has conquered our country from within.  Which is why I will not be convinced until I actually see it with my own eyes that Barack Obama will ever voluntarily relinquish the dictatorial power he has seized over the late, great United States of America.

And here is an excruciatingly appropo postscript:

The FBI has mismanaged the case of an Islamic State militant who had links to the Benghazi terrorist attack that killed four Americans on September 11th, 2012, said Senator Chuck Grassley.

Ali Awni al Harzi, a Tunisian recruiter and arms trafficker for ISIS, was captured by authorities after posting messages on social media following the Benghazi attack. The FBI interviewed him for three hours before passing him to Tunisian authorities, who released him in January 2013. He then rejoined the militant group to fight in Iraq....

In a letter to FBI Director James Comey and Attorney General Loretta Lynch, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee blasted the administration for allowing his release. U.S. officials have said they have video footage of al Harzi at the attack on the consulate and made him a "person of interest."

"Although al Harzi was on our radar in 2012 for his terrorist activities, he somehow slipped out of our government's reach, only to continue his terrorist career for years," Grassley wrote. "This raises important questions about the Obama administration's policies and procedures related to apprehension, interrogation, and detention of terrorists and the roles of the Justice Department and the FBI."

More rhetorical questions: The Obama Regime is on the side of the jihadists.  Period.  And the longer they remain in power, the greater the likelihood of universal American death.

Scott Walker may make it the White House, but when he arrives, he'll probably not like what he finds.

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