Sunday, July 12, 2015

Sin of Omission

By Douglas V. Gibbs

People sometimes ask me why I do what I do.  Why the Constitution Classes, and the public speaking?  Why write the books and do the radio program?  "You're fighting prophecy," one Christian told me.  "It's a battle that can't be won.  Armageddon is unavoidable."  As a Christian, I am being told to just sit and wait, the Lord is coming soon.

That is unacceptable, to me.

I tell people that I am doing what I am doing for one of three reasons.  Either, we will get this turned around, and restore the republic.  Or, we are Cicero, where we will establish a model for a future generation to use after the collapse.  Or, my friend is right, it's the end times, and for those of us who have studied the Bible, we know how that turns out; but, what a great witness to resist evil even when that evil is at its greatest.

The third reason carries with it an additional caveat.  The sin of omission.

As a Christian, when we refuse to perform an action to stop an evil from happening, we are just as guilty of committing a sin as we are if we act in a manner outside our Faith.

So, why do I do what I do to try and restore the republic?  Because it's the right thing to do.  To have this information I possess regarding the original intent of the United States Constitution, and to not share it, to not try and use the knowledge I have regarding the Constitution to make America a better place, would be downright sinful.  It is our duty, and right, to restore the republic, or at least make the attempt.  Any less would be unacceptable.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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