Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Trump The Canary In The Immigration Coal Mine

by JASmius

I think it would be more accurate to say that it isn't the American people that suddenly agree with Donald Trump on illegal immigration, but Donald Trump who cannily got out in front of where the American people have stood on illegal immigration for years:

Several recent surveys show that a majority of Americans agree with Donald Trump that the United States needs to secure its southern border with Mexico.

According to Rasmussen Reports, 63% of Americans want the U.S. to gain control of the border, while just 30% want to make illegal aliens legal citizens.

As for Barack Obama's [illegal, unlawful, unconstitutional] immigration plan that would grant amnesty to as many as [twenty] million illegal [alien]s living in the U.S., 55% of those polled by Rasmussen oppose it.

Further, 58% of the Americans surveyed think that providing a pathway to citizenship for illegal [alien]s will lead to more illegal immigration.

63/30.  There's that consistent 2-1 margin against illegal immigration and for border control that has held steady and firm since at least 2007 (the Kennedy-McCain round of "comprehensive immigration reform").  And while Trump is certainly "brash" and "bombastic" and a buffoon, he's also no fool - fools may inherit a nine billion dollar fortune but they don't earn it - if you're not a politician but are so subsumed in your own ego that you decide to run for president, you'll want to make a big splash.  Something that will keep your name and picture in the headlines 24/7.  Make you the center of attention indefinitely.  So what issue do you select?  You pick an issue that's "controversial," one that's guaranteed to push the Pavlovian buttons of the opposition, one most of your nomination rivals will be too scared to touch, AND one on which the American electorate will be overwhelmingly on your side.

THAT is why Trump said what he said about Mexicans and illegal immigration.  It's probably the only way that real estate developer with a ten-figure nest egg running as a Republican could possibly transform himself into a "populist" overnight.

But just as with every building he's ever had constructed, what he's doing now getting into the GOP presidential race is just laying the foundation for his true, ultimate objective:

Embattled GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump says he has been urged to run as an independent as Ross Perot did in 1992 [and 1996], but his inclination is to remain a Republican. [emphasis added]

Which means he's open to persuasion.

Trump has received public tongue-lashings even from fellow Republicans for his comments on illegal immigrants in his June 16th presidential announcement....

The pivot off of which to go third party and take a significant chunk of the GOP base with him.

On Tuesday, Fox News Channel's Greta Van Susteren asked Trump if he has considered going third party.

"Many people have asked me to do that," Trump said....

"So I will tell you I have many people that have asked me to go independent, and I think I would do very well if I went independent," he said. But, he added, "That's not my thinking. My thinking is to run as a Republican."

...."For now."

You know what I think the Trump candidacy is?  A hostile takeover of the Republican Party.  One that will split it down the middle and gut it.  And you know who THAT would benefit.....

I take back the post title above; Donald Trump may just wind up being Hillary Clinton's canary in the coal mine - and actually put her fat ass back in the White House.

Hey, Bill used Perot to win both of his elections.  You could call it the Clinton family template.

UPDATE: Another example of why I'm not a fan of Donald Trump:

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid on Wednesday criticized presidential candidate Donald Trump and the Republican Party for not condemning his words against Mexican immigrants.

"I've heard the comments. They're distasteful, disgusting," Reid told reporters, according to Politico. "And frankly I'm terribly disappointed that my Republican colleagues here in leadership positions in the Senate and those running for president have basically kept their mouth shut."

In essence, Trump said the right position on illegal immigration and border enforcement in the wrong way, and according to Harry (G)Reid, every other Republican is obligated to turn on the Republican base that is momentarily enthralled with him, become de facto Democrats, and ritualistically denounce him at de jure Democrat direction.

It's like I've said before: Donald Trump is going to be the Obamedia's "designated conservative," from which every other genuine conservative will be incentivized to run away, destroying them with Republican voters and leaving Jeb Bush the easy winner and weakest general election opponent for Hillary Clinton, after which Trump will jump in as a third party spoiler, sealing the GOP's fate.

And if even that fails, Barack Obama can always just impose martial law and cancel the 2016 election.

Exit question: Odds that Trump has a front row seat on the podium at a Hillary inauguration?  Virtually certain.

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