Thursday, August 13, 2015

2016 Democrat Showdown: Joe Biden vs....Al Gore?

by JASmius

Stipulate that Hillary Clinton's campaign is going down in flames.  Stipulate also that even though Hillary Clinton's campaign is going down in flames, the Democrat Party is still thoroughly ensnared in the Hillary Trap.  This is what happens when you start the campaign with a single "presumptive" nominee that couldn't get elected to a county sewage commission, no matter how big her oceans of cash.  It explains how, to borrow a Trumpism, a "zippo" like "Weekend Bernie" Sanders can have passed the Empress and be pulling away from her in New Hampshire, and closing in on her pretty much everywhere else.  The Donk "bench" is empty because no Democrat thought they'd need a bench in this cycle - either because Mrs. Clinton would sweep to victory, or because Barack Obama would pull his coup and cancel the 2016 election.  Either way, the grand "progressive" future was assured.

Guess the joke was on them, except for that last part.

Reportedly Joe Biden is still inching towards making a third White House run, for reasons nobody can fathom:

From his vacation spot on Kiawah Island, Mr. Biden is giving the strongest signal yet that he is actively considering making a third run at the presidency. He is asking political allies for advice and gauging the strength of Mrs. Clinton’s campaign as he weighs his options, people familiar with the matter said. Mr. Biden is expected to announce his decision next month…

He’d have to start from scratch. Mr. Biden has no super PAC to back his candidacy with independent fundraising or a network of paid staff in early voting states.

Bah, Team Messiah would provide him all the resources and infrastructure he would need, if it comes to that.

And Mrs. Clinton has already signed up some of the party’s most seasoned pollsters, fundraisers and data analysts.

Bah, they're as panicked to escape the Hillary Trap as every other Dem.  They'd desert her at the first opportunity.

His entry also could prompt Mrs. Clinton’s supporters to rally around her if her potentially historic candidacy is threatened.

The Vagina Factor, again.  Even though that particular concavity isn't doing too awfully much for her so far.

“She’s been working at this a long time and has built a massive operation,” said Brady Quirk-Garvan, chairman of the Charleston County Democrat Party in South Carolina. “Even people who like the idea of Joe Biden running would have to sit there and think, ‘Can he build an operation that would be able to defeat Hillary in four to six months?’ That’s much harder to do in this day and age than you would think.”

Oh, I don't know, it's only taken Weekend Bernie not even three months to reel in Her Nib, so it can't be THAT difficult.

Could Biden do the same?  Eh, hard to say.  Part of Senator Sanders' appeal is precisely that he's an authentic communist - that's why I say that if Elizabeth Warren had gotten in, and early, she'd already be running away with the Democrat nomination.  Biden would be, aside from that penis he's so evidently proud of, a more or less carbon copy of Hillary: older than dirt, a multiple-time previous loser, an establishmentarian, and an even bigger symbol of a third Obama term than she would be.  Which means that whatever share of Donk support she has now, she'd be splitting it in some proportion with Slow Joe, while Sanders would at least not lose any of the ground he's gained, and perhaps still keep on surging.  So either Berniemania takes Philadelphia next year or it's a brokered Democrat convention, with all the Democrat Civil War themes of which we could ever dream.

But here's an even bigger joker to throw into the mix: Suppose that the Nutroots succeed in drafting...Fat Albert:

Gore, 67, won the popular vote in the 2000 election, and has been mentioned as a possible candidate in every contested Democrat primary since then. He instead spent much of the 2000s focused on environmental campaigning and business ventures. He has largely slipped out of public view more recent years.

But in recent days, “they’re getting the old gang together,” a senior Democrat told BuzzFeed News.

“They’re figuring out if there’s a path financially and politically,” the Democrat said. “It feels more real than it has in the past months.”

The senior Democrat and other sources cautioned not to overstate Gore’s interest. He has not made any formal or informal moves toward running, or even met with his political advisers about a potential run.

A member of Gore’s inner circle asked to be quoted “pouring lukewarm water” — not, note, cold water — on the chatter.

At this point, why not?  It'd be fascinating to see from whom Ozone Man would lure away more votes.  On the one hand, his greenstremism would seem to make leftwingnuts perk up; on the other hand, he's filthy stinking rich in much the same way Mrs. Clinton is, so they might dismiss him as a "sellout".  Age doesn't seem to matter, or Weekend Bernie wouldn't still be on his meteoric rise.  Ditto Gore's sexual plumming, although that may have gotten him into some more trouble of late.

There would be some symmetry to a Biden-Gore showdown - the two veeps of the last two two-term Democrat POTUS's duking it out for legacy supremacy.  At least neither of them appears to need a walker to get across debate and rally stages.

All of the above reinforces the otherwise inescapable sinking feeling all Democrats are suffering of the White House spiraling down the electoral drain.....

....And then they think of Julian Castro.  And they break into their happy dance.

The lad had better get a move-on though.  Even demigods aren't omnipotent, no matter what they think.

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