Monday, August 03, 2015

Cloward-Pivening Legal Immigration

by JASmius

I would respectfully suggest that the past half-century of legal immigration policy in this country and ten million green cards over the next decade ON TOP OF amnestizing upwards of twenty million illegal aliens fits that definition like a glove:

The immigrant population is due to soar over the next decade, with the American government set to issue more new green cards over the next ten years than the combined populations of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina.

According to information from the Senate's Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, exclusively obtained by Breitbart, the vast majority of U.S. immigration stems from legal visas that are issued, most of which go to lesser-skilled and lower-paid workers and their dependents.

The federal government has been issuing roughly a million green cards every year, or a total of 5.25 million in the last five years alone, according to the briefing.

By comparison, just three million green cards per decade were issued during the economic boom of the 1950s and 1960s. Since 1970, the foreign-born population has increased more than four-fold, standing at a record of 42.1 million today, according to the briefing.

"If Congress does not pass legislation to reduce the number of green cards issued each year, the U.S. will legally add ten million or more new permanent immigrants over the next [decade] — a bloc of new permanent resident larger than populations of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina combined," the briefing said.

"This has substantial economic implications."

In terms of lower wages, higher unemployment, ever spiraling welfare overloading of "the bureaucracy" and the underlying economy that supports it if ever there was one.  The American Golden Goose, borne and empowered by over two centuries of unfettered capitalist momentum, is a mighty and powerful thing indeed, but it is neither infinite nor invincible.  Even the strongest beasts of burden will eventually collapse.

And that's just the economic side.  What about the cultural collapse?  The Left's obsessive multi-culti mania actively and adamantly discourages and forbids assimilation into traditional American culture and values out of its Ameriphobic insistence that Western culture is inferior to all others.  The inevitable result is and will continue to be Balkanization, internal clashes, dissension, violence, civil unrest, etc.  One more avenue from which Barack Obama's martial law endgame can be triggered.

Again: Waves of immigration throughout American history have been followed by breath-catching periods of "digestion" and assimilation where the floodgates were closed.  That's why we've been able to be a "nation of immigrants" - because we made it possible to and encouraged newcomers to become Americans, not just occupy our territory, consume our resources, take away our jobs. and otherwise bring all their diseases and pathologies and conflicts here with them without missing a beat.  Even a nation as welcoming and wealthy as the U.S. used to be cannot sustain the magnitude of immigration influx of the past half-century indefinitely without collapsing the system and losing its national identity.

Which is, of course, the core purpose of the legal immigration policy of the past fifty years, to which illegal immigration amnesties are simply a complement.

Exit quote: "The immigration reform legislation put forward by the Senate's Gang of Eight [two years ago] proposed tripling the number of green cards issued over the next ten years to thirty million."  And you know who a big backer of that nationally suicidal idea was, don't you?

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