Like watching the great white shark messily devour Quint at the end of Jaws. You don't want to see it, but you perversely almost have to root for it:
Donald Trump picked a fight with the Black Lives Matter racial-justice movement on Tuesday - telling reporters that Senator Bernie Sanders was 'weak' for allowing [extrem]ists from the group to hijack an event on Saturday.
The protesters stormed a Seattle stage and took Sanders' microphone, ending the event before it had started.
Trump suggested that he would welcome a physical confrontation with the social justice warriors if he were put in the same position.
'I don’t know if I'll do the fighting myself, or if other people will, but that was a disgrace,' Trump told reporters during a press conference before a Michigan campaign speech....
'I would never give up my microphone,' the billionaire White House hopeful added. 'I thought that was disgusting.'...
'That will never happen with me,' Trump said.
Of that, I have no doubt. As to the rest, there are ways of handling security at such events that would prevent such rabble from getting into it at all, much less be able to charge the stage, much less be able to take it over. Hillary Clinton's campaign managed it quite effectively just last night. Is that what Trump is referring to? Doesn't sound like it, does it? It sounds like he's daring BLM to show up at one of his events so he can have his own personal race war with them, complete with all kinds of delightful visuals like billy-club-wielding security goons and water cannons and who knows what else beating down "poor, unarmed, young black people". It sounds ridiculous, just as the notion of him fighting them personally like in a pro wrestling in-ring promo is even more ludicrous. But this is Donald Trump we're talking about, the "reality TV" star, the man for whom no stunt is too silly and who, never forget, main-evented Wrestlemania XXIII.

I don't think we have to worry about such a melee actually transpiring, though, since BLM is still focused on hijacking the Democrat primaries, which is why they keep showing up at Hillary and Weekend Bernie rallies. But remember that they've already vowed to shut down next year's Republican National Convention in Cleveland, which is when and where they'll get around to blitzkrieging us.
And, frankly, I don't think BLM wants to associate themselves with someone as unserious as Donald Trump, no matter how entertaining the footage might be.
But I could be wrong about that.....
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