Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Riots and Cowards Protect Obama from Impeachment

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The entire presidency of Barack Obama is filled with unconstitutional activity through a violation of the Separation of Powers where the President has acted legislatively through executive orders, memos, and actions, and where he has completely disregarded the courts and the will of the States when they dare to disagree with his agenda.  He sees no checks and balances, and he is unwilling to succumb to the limitations placed upon the executive branch by the United States Constitution.  The 44th President of the United States has shown more disdain for the American System than has the most vicious of enemies of the last two centuries.  Long before his presidency he called the Constitution a "charter of negative liberties," because, as he said, "[It] says what the states can’t do to you. [It] says what the federal government can’t do to you, but [it] doesn’t say what the federal government or state government must do on your behalf."  His allies have also rejected the Constitution, calling the law of the land "outdated," "antiquated," and in the case of Justice Ginsberg, in reference to Egypt's constitution writing endeavor, “I would not look to the U.S. Constitution, if I were drafting a Constitution in the year 2012. I might look at the Constitution of South Africa.”

Those who defend the original intent of the United States Constitution have been labeled as racists, bigots, haters, and obstructionists to progress.  And while the Obama regime has been in power, the liberal left Democrats have established a system of division, using political correctness and a division of Americans into feuding groups, as a means to silence and eliminate their opposition.  Americans have divided into camps, put into different groups, and they have been set against each other like snarling fighting dogs at a Michael Vick event.  The "victims" of the liberal left's plan of divide and conquer have become vicious, using the courts to force businesses into bankruptcy for not baking a cake, and burning down cities because the actual evidence was used to achieve justice rather than following the screams and accusations of "racism" by mouth-foaming enraged neighborhoods steeped in liberal left indoctrination.

The cowards of the Republican Party, too fearful to correct the premise, or stand firm on their principles, have been reactionary at best, hiding inside their little box of power, not wanting to make waves.  "Perhaps we can offer an alternative," they say about policies that are unacceptable, despotic, and unconstitutional.

On rare occasion, a warrior that's willing to stand in favor of the Blessings of Liberty as they are articulated through constitutional wisdom, a document that began the abolition of slavery by outlawing the Atlantic Slave Trade in Article I, Section 9, and demanded that all citizens be treated equally under the law in both Article IV and the 14th Amendment, rises above the noise.  He reminds us that our rights are God-given, and therefore are defined based on a set standard of morality.  These constitutionalists revisit the concept that the States have original authority over all issues, and the powers expressly enumerated in the Constitution to the federal government are limited and few, and were designed only for the federal government to take care of external issues, and issues that promote, preserve, and protect the union (such as mediate disputes between the States, and ensure communication between the States - such as through the postal service) remains intact, while internal issues, and local issues, are reserved to the States, and to the People.  The federal government was not created to be a large leviathan devouring our freedoms and liberties, and controlling the aspects of our lives that as individuals we are supposed to be personally responsible for.

Early on in President Obama's reign, he discussed having a civilian security force that is as great as the military, just as strong, and just as well-funded, prowling the streets of America, ensuring that his policies are in place.  We expected a well-regulated organization, a kind of organized brown shirts in uniform, but the reality is that his army is already in place, and it is more vicious than we could have imagined.  They wear no uniform, they don't need an arm band with the Obama "O" emblazoned on it.  They use "knock-out games" to intimidate, and are willing to destroy entire cities if they don't get their way.  They are the minority Obama voters, the uninformed voters and government-dependents.  They have shown their might in Ferguson, Missouri; and in Baltimore, Maryland.  We dare not stand against this army that, among them, are 95% in favor of the Obama administration, and would vote Barack into a third term, if they could.

The cowards in Congress dare not stand against the Great and Powerful Barack Obama, for fear of rocking the boat, or stirring up trouble.  They "compromise" to keep from being accused of being racist.  They renege on their promises to the American People so that the Democrats will only usually call them obstructionists.  And when the term "impeachment" bubbles up from the rancid pit of silly right-wing voters, and those radical extremists start calling for an end to the Obama Presidency, the GOP leadership cowers in the corner, and says, "Oh, no, we can't do that.  It would not be politically prudent."

The Republicans fear the Democrats, and they fear the bureaucrats that, through consultants and inside advice, steer the GOP away from doing what their foolish constituents are demanding.

"Besides," says the fear, "if Barack Obama was impeached, it would begin a civil war."  All of the groups that are divided, and are pointing a politically-correct destructive arsenal at each other, would explode.  Riots would burn the cities of the United States to the ground. . . and those silly gun-owners (the liberal left believes) would go around killing at will to satisfy their racist and bigoted desires.

So, Barack Obama sits safely on his throne.  Fear is his insurance, and tyranny is his weapon.  He does as he pleases, and he is getting more brazen with each passing day.  What has he to fear?  In the final year and a half of his two-term presidency he has the unlimited opportunity to do as he pleases, and nobody has the intestinal fortitude to stop him.  The House of Representatives, even though it is dominated by Republicans, will never file articles of impeachment, and the U.S. Senate would never, after a hearing (if it ever got that far) remove him from office.  Historians, if that were to happen, are convinced that they would have to say that such a send-off for Obama into martyrdom revealed how racist America really is.  And a civil war, a rash of riots from coast to coast, would leave the country smoldering like New York City did for a week after the towers fell on September 11, 2001.

Obama, and his minions, have no fear, for you are filled with fear.  So sit on your couch, complaining, and doing nothing.  Be belittled in the face of accusations of white privilege.  Be silent as millions of babies are slaughtered in the womb, and then are sold on the black market for their body parts while the courts tell the video-maker that revealed the atrocities they can't legally continue to reveal the truth by releasing more videos.  Cower as the leftists rise up in the cities, and threaten to burn down America, if you dare say anything in opposition to Obama, or his supporters. . . for to do such would be racist.  Start knitting a prayer rug, for if you stand against Islam, the FBI is telling Muslims in America to report people who dare to resist the jihadist threat.  Don't rock the boat.  Sit safely inside the four walls of your home.  Cower under the rising threat of tyranny.  Maybe they won't notice you.

Or, you can join the revolution.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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