Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Trump's Iran Deal Opt Out

By Douglas V. Gibbs
Author, Speaker, Instructor, Radio Host

In his campaign, Candidate Trump said that Barack Obama's Iran deal was a bad deal, and it was.  The cash flow enacted from the removal of sanctions saved Iran from financial collapse, and actually made it more likely that Iran would continue to pursue nuclear weapons.  Trump promised he would get us out of the deal, and now that campaign promise is happening.  President Trump has announced the U.S. will pull out of the dangerous agreement with Iran, which was also, due to Obama's name change from treaty to agreement, never properly ratified by Congress as required by the United States Constitution.

Iran's response has been conflicted.

Exiting the agreement will give the Trump administration the opportunity to re-impose all sanctions against Iran lifted because of the deal, and get back to playing hardball with a country that poses as a great threat to the region (and the world), and has been working with Russia in largely funding and participating in military actions in the region.

Trump has shown no interest in piecemealing the agreement, and plans to ditch the entire deal. 

President Trump plans to announce his decision with related details on whether to keep the U.S. in the Iran nuclear agreement on Tuesday.

While the Europeans have tried to do what they can to keep Trump in the deal, the Republican President was an outspoken opponent of the treaty by another name from the very beginning, as has been most conservatives in the United States.

John Kerry, in an attempt to save the deal, has been traveling around the world speaking out against President Trump's plans.  One wonders if a charge of treason would be appropriate against Kerry for his un-American activities.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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