Saturday, July 08, 2023

Mr. Constitution Hour, K-Praise: War Between the States

Mr. Constitution Hour airs every Saturday Night at 9pm.

K-Praise (

Mr. Constitution Hour on KPRZ is a radio broadcast that looks at The United States Constitution through the lens of Christianity. The program is hosted by Mr. Constitution Douglas V. Gibbs.

Mr. Constitution Hour by Douglas V. Gibbs: Devastation of the War Between the States - The American Civil War as it is often called lasted for four years, devastating the South, and the Constitution of the United States by establishing destructive War Power Precedent for the President of the United States, proclaimed as necessary by Abraham Lincoln. The assassination of Abraham Lincoln and the commencement of the Reconstruction Era plunged the United States into a new age that consolidated power to the federal government, and put into question the sovereignty of the individual States.

Past episodes are available at the radio station's podcast page set up for Doug at ------->

And on the following podcast platforms:

I-Heart Radio








Help support the program with your donations, this program has no advertisers and depends completely on contributor dollars!

Give to Doug to help Fund His Radio Ministry!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gretchen Helmke, a political scientist at the University of Rochester who studies the state of democratic governments around the world, said, “There is a marked asymmetry between the two parties,” with Republicans more engaged in “playing constitutional hardball and taking actions that are still within the letter of the law but [that] may violate the spirit of the law or common-sense ideas about fairness and political equality.”

Those types of actions are much harder to find on the Democratic side. There is no campaign by Democratic elected officials to disenfranchise white evangelical Christians, a constituency that overwhelmingly backs GOP candidates, just as Black voters overwhelmingly back Democratic candidates. There was no widespread, systematic attempt by Democratic officials four years ago to disqualify the votes that elected Trump or to spur Democratic voters to attack the Capitol to prevent the certification of his presidency. While the left-wing antifa movement has violent tendencies, it isn’t an organized group — nor is it aligned with Biden or Democrats. And at least right now, national security experts describe right-wing violence as a much bigger danger in America than any violent behavior from the left. In an October 2020 report, the Department of Homeland Security called violent white supremacists the “most persistent and lethal threat in the Homeland.”

There are no Democratic politicians in Congress implying that conservative politicians are such dangers to the country that they should be killed...

Trump supporters and conservatives have threatened not only to physically destroy institutions they view as hostile to conservative causes, such as CNN, but to kill or injure prominent Democratic politicians, such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

To be sure, only a very, very small fraction of conservative Americans participate in acts of domestic terrorism. Most rank-and-file Republicans would likely describe themselves as opposed to individualized acts of racism (a workplace not hiring Black employees, for example) as well as systemic racism and white supremacy.

"The GOP is a counter-majoritarian party now, every week it becomes less like a ‘normal’ party,” said Jay Rosen, a journalism professor at New York University who has written extensively about the radicalization of the Republican Party. “The GOP has to make it harder to vote and harder to understand what the party is all about. Those are two parts of the
same project. And it can’t treat its white supremacist and violent wings as extremists who should be isolated because it needs them. They provide motor and momentum.”

...Conservatives “are reacting to something real,” said Thomas Zimmer (a history professor at Georgetown University)
“Their version of ‘Real America’ — a white, Christian America — is under threat. Republicans are convinced they are waging a noble war against the demise of ‘Real America.’ Conservatives think their backs are against the wall.”

“America is nearing a crisis of democratic legitimacy because one side is trying to erect one-party minority rule.”

In America’s ‘Uncivil War,’ Republicans Are The Aggressors | FiveThirtyEight