Saturday, July 08, 2023

Constitution Radio: Across America

Constitution Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs

Saturdays, 1:00 - 3:00 pm Pacific Time

KMET 1490-AM (

KMET Show Page

Doug's Show Page

2022/2023 Podcast Page

Classic Podcast Page on SoundCloud (for pre-2022 episodes)

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Today's Topics:


Anonymous said...

Your topic while definitely intriguing and important- "United Nations Artificial Intelligence Summit: AI says they will rule the world" is not believable coming from your source of InfoWars. Mr. Gibbs, you are definitionally more educated than this website founder and do not need to parrot the ramblings of a man in need of a "rubber room," - a padded cell.

Were you aware of his anger management challenges?

Robert Jacobson, at the time Jones' longest-serving employee, and former producee was walking down a hallway at Infowars' south Austin office when seemingly out of nowhere the show's infamous host accosted him.

One afternoon in the spring of 2017 Alex Jones furiously lunged at his video producer.

Jabbing his fingers into Jacobson's face he yelled: "You're not going to ruin me, Jacobson. You're not going to ruin me!" According to Jacobson, Jones had to be restrained by another Infowars staffer in case he actually hurt him...

In interviews with Insider, Jacobson and three other Infowars employees said between bursts of anger he was also charismatic, generous, and at times even a father figure. He took employees to movies and invited Jacobson to family holidays.

"He has a lot of charisma, yeah. And that doesn't go away once the camera's off. He doesn't just slump his shoulders and kind of slink into the corner," said Jacobson, who worked for Infowars from 2004 until 2017.

"He's still very charismatic, very friendly to people he wants to be friendly with, of course."

But by the time of the altercation Jacobson and Jones's relationship had started to sour.

The above paragraphs come from Business Insider

Inside Infowars' crumbling empire: Ex-staffers reveal the 'volatile' and 'unhinged' atmosphere working for conspiracy theorist Alex Jones
Tom Porter and Ashley Collman June 11, 2023

Anonymous said...

Watch "What Will Future Humans Look Like in 1,000 Years? | Unveiled" on YouTube