Wednesday, August 05, 2015

"Hillary Worried Indictment Is Coming"

by JASmius

Is such a thing actually possible?  More and more "experts" are starting to publicly say it is:

[Former New York Times Magazine editor-in-chief Edward] Klein said he...believes [Mrs.] Clinton is in "a kind of race against time."

"Which is going to come first, is she going to be able to sew up the nomination by just throwing more money, more organization at the primaries so that she is unbeatable – or will a criminal indictment come down from the Justice Department [over her personal email system while Secretary of State] before that fact?" Klein said.

"And they're very concerned about which is going to come first."

And, lo and behold, fresh off this morning's news wires:

The FBI has begun looking into the security of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private e-mail setup, contacting in the past week a Denver-based technology firm that helped manage the unusual system, according to two government officials.

Also last week, the FBI contacted [Mrs.] Clinton’s lawyer, David Ken­dall, with questions about the security of a thumb drive in his possession that contains copies of work e-mails [Mrs.] Clinton sent during her time as secretary of state.

The FBI’s interest in [Mrs.] Clinton’s e-mail system comes after the intelligence community’s inspector general referred the issue to the Justice Department in July. Intelligence officials expressed concern that some sensitive information was not in the government’s possession and could be “compromised.” The referral did not accuse [Mrs.] Clinton of any wrongdoing, and the two officials said Tuesday that the FBI was not targeting her.

".....yet."  But the investigation is just beginning.  And I am frankly astonished that even that much is happening.

Why would King Hussein give the feds the green light to set the "Indict Hillary" train rolling out of the FBI station?  Same reasons the Obama White House is evidently one of the "drafters" of Slow Joe Biden: (1) They know she can't win next year (absent Donald Trump clearing the way), (2) the TPA/TPP trade food fight cost them their ability to finally persuade Elizabeth Warren to challenge her, and (3) they still hate Mrs. Clinton's flabby guts:

Barack Obama and those closest to him are "doing everything they can" to encourage Vice President Joe Biden to challenge Hillary Clinton for the Democrat presidential nomination, former New York Times Magazine editor-in-chief Edward Klein tells Newsmax TV.

In a panel discussion Tuesday on Newsmax Prime with host J.D. Hayworth and Miranda Khan, the author of Blood Feud: The Clintons vs. The Obamas, said the push is coming from the president, First Lady Michelle Obama and Obama's senior advisor, Valerie Jarrett.

"[They] are doing everything they can at this point to encourage Joe Biden to throw in his hat," he said.

Even a one-time La Clinton Nostra advisor is working on Her Nib's preemptive electoral eulogy:

Political commentator Dick Morris said if a possible Biden candidacy doesn't signal any animosity between the Obama and Clinton camps, "there sure will be if Biden runs, because the inevitable dynamos of the race are going to cause it, even if nobody wants it."

"You can only have one candidate out there saying everything Obama's doing is right…. I'll just continue what Obama's doing," he said. "You can't have two candidates saying that because the other one won't get covered and Biden lives on campus. These are his programs as well as Obama's."

Morris added Hillary Clinton, in order to get media coverage, will have to distinguish herself, and that means criticizing the president's record — "at first gently," but eventually becoming "more and more acerbic."

"It really could endanger Hillary's pursuit of Obama's base," Morris predicted.

In military terms, Obama wants to deploy Biden in order to "flank" Hillary and kneecap her chances with his base - which were never all that hot to begin with, and continue to fizzle with each passing day.  Siccing the FBI on Emailgate is simply the other "pincer" designed to surround and crush her in one, swift, powerful blow, as the latest polling continues to reveal:

Former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders are in a statistical tie in New Hampshire, according to the results of the most recent WMUR Granite State Poll conducted by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center.

Sanders, a self-described socialist, has been gaining on [Mrs.] Clinton in the Granite State. Thirty-six percent of Democrat primary voters said they would vote for him, compared with 42% for [Mrs.] Clinton. The poll's 3.6% margin of error places them in a statistical dead heat.

And Berniemania ranges far afield of just Lady Michelle's little slice of New England, and what supporters Hillary still legitimately has are acclimating themselves to it:

Democrat front-runner Hillary Clinton is maintaining her commanding lead but most of her supporters would be comfortable if Vermont [communist] Senator Bernie Sanders got the nomination, a new poll has found....

Assuming Biden does not enter the race, most Democrats say they would not mind if Sanders got the nomination, including 17% who would be enthusiastic about the prospect and 39% who would be satisfied....

Even among those who support [Mrs.] Clinton, half would either be enthusiastic (7%) or satisfied (43%) with Sanders carrying the torch, while just three-in-ten would be dissatisfied (18%) or upset (12%).

The Democrat base is like grade school children being forced to eat their broccoli (Hillary Clinton) "because it's good for them" when they want to gorge themselves on candy and cake and ice cream (Bernie Sanders and even Joe Biden - pretty much "Anybody But Hillary").  It's as I've said for over two and a half years now: Hillary Clinton wants to be POTUS and the Democrat base doesn't want Hillary Clinton.  If Fauxcahontas had run, she'd be the runaway Democrat front-runner by now and the Empress would probably already be out of the race.  And now the Nutroots, led by the White House, are going to any and all lengths to escape the Hillary Trap.

Could another prognostication of this site be about to come true?

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