The candidate Hillary Clinton would have been over twenty years ago:
Hillary Clinton's latest controversy of using a private email account on a personal server while secretary of state has some Hollywood Democrats worried about her presidential campaign and looking for someone else, according to the Hollywood Reporter.
Longtime producer Norman Lear told the Reporter that if Clinton doesn't run, he'll support Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren.
He'll support Fauxcahontas regardless. Why? Because he wants to have a chance to win.
"I think Elizabeth would make a great president," Lear said.
Warren is a favorite of those further left in the party, and her supporters in the entertainment industry are "numerous and passionate," the Reporter said. Warren supporters include Mark Ruffalo, Edward Norton....
Thus locking up the enormous green rage monster vote.
....Susan Sarandon, Matt Bomer and Darren Aronofsky.
Warren has repeatedly insisted she will not run for president, but is being pressured by liberal groups to do so. has set up "Run Warren Run" events on LA's Westside, according to the Reporter.
Remember the parallel to 2004: The Donk base wanted Howard Dean, but the Donk "establishment" went with John Kerry instead. Kerry wound up narrowly losing to President Bush43, and the Nutroots vowed they would never again "settle" on the grounds of "electability". Of course, they thought that Dean would have won in a landslide, a garish misconception which was only reinforced by Barack Obama's victory four years later, the victim of which was.....Hillary Clinton. Senator Warren would get demolished by Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, same as Mrs. Clinton would, but would the same outcomes result if the GOP is crazy enough to nominate Jeb Bush? Not necessarily.
But then it isn't just the Nutroots that are panicking about the Empress:
The email controversy has drawn the ire even of Democrats, with California Senator Dianne Feinstein telling Meet the Press on Sunday that Clinton must answer for why she used a private server that she controls.
What Feinstein means, of course, is not that Hillary must answer for what she did, but for doing it in such an obvious, transparently arrogant way as to taint and embarrass the entire Democrat Party.
Like I say, she most certainly is not her husband. Indeed, her presidential candidacy may already have jumped the proverbial shark. And here's the proof:
A fellow Chappaqua resident went to some trouble Wednesday to let Hillary Clinton know he thought her her excuse for using personal email at the State Department was a joke.
Gary Murphy, 44, staged a stunt, placing a computer hard drive near Clinton’s Westchester home with a for-sale sign reading, “Used Email Server, Clean Hard Drive, 15 Old House Ln. — See Bill.”
“I guess I wasn’t satisfied with the answers she gave,” Murphy, who lives in Chappaqua and owns a house-cleaning business, said.
Forget Hollyweird, when potential constituents are ridiculing you, that is the death knell of a campaign, folks. And since Hillary! lost the Far Left a long time ago and now has the Donk "establishment" heading for the exits....hell, her presidential bid might not even make it to Memorial Day.
I can see Walk's grin all the way from Madison.
UPDATE: Now the media is making fun of her:

Note the placement of the silhouette of Mrs. Clinton's head in front of the "M" in "Time" that makes it look like she's got devil's horns. That does not happen by accident, my friends.
Forget Memorial Day, her campaign might not even survive this month.
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