Thursday, June 04, 2015

The Hill Show

by JASmius

I've decided that if the Wicked Witch Of The West Wing really is going to be coronated the 2016 Democrat presidential nominee, I've got to come up with some motif for a daily summary of all things Rodham so that this blog doesn't become overrun with it to the exclusion of everything else.  Kind of like the reason they have levees in New Orleans, and why there are lids on septic tanks.

The Hill Show (You know, like The Truman Show or The Cleveland Show - preferably the latter, since it had such a short run) isn't all that clever, but hopefully it will be at least somewhat recognizable on the search engines.

Because apparently, the Donk base really does want to ride this train.

But they don't appear to be enjoying it one darn bit:

Hillary Clinton, who has aggravated reporters with her limited press avails, will not take questions after her speech at Texas Southern University on Thursday, the school informed reporters Wednesday.

The University's guidance: "There will be NO opportunities to interview Hillary Clinton; her speech will be her interview."

While that guidance did not come from the Clinton campaign — spokesman Nick Merrill told Bloomberg the language was not approved by the campaign — the sheer absurdity of the statement was not necessarily a departure from the candidate's general attitude toward the press. Indeed, her campaign recently made a similar move when it tried to suggest that questions from voters were a substitute for questions from reporters.

The [Rodham] camp has frustrated reporters at almost every turn. Since her campaign's launch in April (although now her campaign apparently "officially" launches on June 13th in New York), she hasn't sat down for a formal interview with any media organization. Before answering questions from the press in New Hampshire and Iowa last month [which went SO well....], [Mrs.] Clinton had gone twenty-eight days without answering a single question from the media.

Texas Southern University has also informed reporters that the media must stay within certain barricades and that there will be special media-designated restrooms. [emphases added]

You know, kind of like "colored-only" drinking fountains.

"Her speech will be her interview".  You know, I'm sure there have been a lot of Republican politicians, let alone presidents, who would have wanted to be able to pull stunts like this as a matter of standard operating procedure.  None of them ever have, of course, because (1) we have a difficult enough time getting our message to the public past the media hostility filter as it is, so our pols really don't have any other practical options; and, more to the point, (2) any who dared to blow off the press so imperiously would have been crucified so swiftly and brutally that even the Islamic State would have been gaping in horror.

If the specter of a Democrat being hostile to the media appears to novel and groundbreaking, that's because...well, it is.  We're just not used to seeing it because of the incestuous relationship between the Fourth Estate and the Democrat Party and because successful Donk national politicians - especially POTUS's - have been such media whores.  Standing between Bill Clinton and a press gaggle was like trying to obstruct Glenn Quagmire from the set of Desperate Housewives.  And the idolatry that was every Obama rally and presser was like taking the Israelites' golden calf on a decade-long (at least) world tour.

But the Empress?  She treats reporters like Sheldon Cooper visiting a leper colony.

So why do they take it?  A sense of duty and obligation, I guess.  Kind of like "eating right" and "exercising" and "getting your colonoscopy" when you hit middle age head-on.  It's probably also illustrative of the old expression about something "looking good on paper" - yellowed, torn, crinkled, papyrus parchment, actually - but then not turning out nearly as well in practice.  The Left has held that scarecrow in their arsenal for so long - "HEY, RIGHTWINGNUTS, WE'RE GONNA MAKE HILLARY CLINTON YOUR PRESIDENT!  BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!" - that it's putrified in that pocket like a four-month-old ham sandwich, and now they've whipped out the newly-evolved life form and are trying to come to grips with the specter of their having to eat it.  It's a very traumatic thing.

Can they bear the agony of having to munch on that crap sandwich for a year and a half?  That'll depend on if they really hate us more than they're aggravated by her.  That's doubtless still an easy choice now, but as the months flip by, it may become a real conundrum.

Oh, and speaking of that campaign re-launch on June 13th, Her Nib is bumping a children's even and a blood drive from the Roosevelt Island (NYC) venue to hold it:

Hillary Clinton’s campaign didn’t pick the best time to stage a major campaign rally at Four Freedoms Park on Roosevelt Island later this month.

According to the park’s website, a specially planned event for tots called Imagination Playground — which features unique blue building blocks — has been canceled to accommodate the Democrat front-runner for president.

Also at risk of major inconvenience: an annual celebration called Roosevelt Island Day, which features a blood drive, hot dog stands and free rides for kids.

“It’s going to be horrendous logistically,” said Sherie Helstien, vice president of the island’s community association, who noted that her community has just one main road.

Feel free to leave your favorite Scrooge/Tiny Tim jokes in the comments.

UPDATE: This is news?:

During Hillary Clinton’s entire four-year tenure as secretary of state, the State Department did not have a permanent inspector general, a position that serves as an independent watchdog to ensure that the agency complies with established policies and does not engage in misconduct, NPR reports.

At a Wednesday hearing of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, Danielle Brian, the executive director of the Project on Government Oversight, told the panel that the lack of a permanent inspector general (IG) at the State Department "raises the obvious question as to whether someone at the agency would have blown the whistle on the Secretary's refusal to use government emails, had there been real watchdog in place." [emphasis added]

An obvious question that more than answers itself.

My question would be how nobody knew about this.  Assumed, sure, but this was never known until now?

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