Death by the hands of Islamic Terrorism strikes America again. . . as our President makes a deal with Iran, the world's largest sponsor of terrorism. . . and as Iranian hardliners continue to chant "Death to America!"
Constitution Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs airs every Saturday on KMET 1490-AM. Listen to the program live (1490 AM on air, or www.KMET1490AM.com online) on Saturdays at 1:00 pm Pacific, or catch the podcast later. Dial in to join the program while we are live to participate in the conversation: 951-922-3532. Also Available on TuneIn.
The Constitution Quest Question of the Week is brought to you by Constitution Quest Game.
Alex will discuss this week's "Book of the Week."
AllStar Collision Big Stories of the Week, July 18, 2015
15. It's a mad world
14. Fire and Rain
13. Checking Out Pluto
12. Killing Veterans
11. Federal Funding and the Slaughter of Babies
10. ... They aren't your kids, anyway!
9. Challenging Sexual Debauchery
8. Pot Holes of Economic Central Planning
7. Putting a Chill on Settled Science
6. Protecting the Obama Narrative
5. Protecting the International Socialist Agenda
4. The Launch of Jade Helm 15
3. The Incredible Iran Deal
2. Islamic Terror Continues
1. Islamic Terrorism Hits Chattanooga
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