Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Nature of Obama and his minions

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Our President was raised by Muslims, Communists, and smoked pot.  What did you think he was going to be like?

President Barack Obama is not ignorant of the Constitution.  He knows what it says, and its original intent.  The reality is, he and his minions hate the principles that the Constitution establishes, and what it stands for, and is doing what they can to make sure the next generation knows nothing about it, and to create a lawless atmosphere in Washington where Congress is nothing more than a consultative assembly, and he holds all of the power.

President Obama has done all he can to circumvent Congress, ignore the duties and limitations assigned to the federal government by the United States Constitution, and has been seeking to knock America down a few notches.  He has been friendly with our enemies that have sworn to destroy the United States, releasing dangerous terrorists in return for treasonous deserters, and actively tried to ouster Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu because the Jewish leader has refused to give in to his oppressive neighbors.  President Obama has refused to "faithfully execute the laws of the United States" (Article II, U.S. Constitution) by refusing to enforce immigration law (against the opinion of a majority of Americanswhile putting in place his own, actively punishing law enforcement that tries to enforce existing immigration law, thus, allowing millions of illegal aliens to cross the border unchecked for disease, with connections to terrorism, or affiliation with a criminal element, while ignoring the Constitution which gives only Congress "legislative powers," and proposing his own amnesty program unilaterally (and then blaming Congress for making him do it).  The States have tried to reject the unconstitutional action by Obama, but did it through the courts. . . a one way ticket to a "slap-down" by an out of control court system.  Meanwhile, States like California have been complicit in Obama's anti-American immigration plans, issuing driver's licenses, and turning the other cheek to the criminal element.  He has unconstitutionally forced a failure upon America in the form of a federalized healthcare plan (Obamacare), unconstitutional federal regulations and restrictions on the banking industry and credit industry (Dodd-Frank), and has promised the younger generation of impressionable minds free college and forgiveness for their student loans (further cheapening the worth of a bachelor's degree).  This administration has been hostile against American businesses that refuse to play ball, while dumping boatloads of money into failing enterprises like Solyndra (for political reasons).  But the President's mercantilism doesn't stop there, for your tax dollars are also being fed into international corporations that have formed alliances with the liberal left democrats.  He has looked the other way as socialist globalists like George Soros has pumped money into American unrest (Ferguson), while fanning the flames of racial unrest, because warriors know that the best way to defeat an enemy is to divide and conquer.  From Trayvon Martin to Ferguson, Missouri, to the Selma Anniversary March, the White House is creating a narrative of racial divide, and hatred for law enforcement.  Meanwhile, his minions are preaching that Republicans and Conservatives are the real enemy, as is "white-privilege", and they are doing what they can to convince folks that "Republican" and "Tea Party" are synonyms for "racism" and "sexism" . . . even though the Republican Party was created to end slavery and was the primary force behind Civil Rights legislation and women's rights, and the Democrat Party created the Ku Klux Klan, and has worked to keep the plantation alive through government dependency programs like welfare, food stamps, and other federally funded freebies.  As the Democrats pay the poor to stay poor (and then is creating more poor), and stamp out any hope for upward mobility, Obama is demanding the hiring of more high-tech workers while hampering the production of high-tech products in the private sector with unconstitutional, and industry killing, regulations.  He rejects the creation of new jobs in the form of the Keystone Pipeline, inserting his demands on an issue that is none of the federal government's business, while artificially lowering the unemployment rate by refusing to count unemployed Americans who are not on the unemployment rolls, and while the media ignores the layoffs going on.  As the unemployment rate falls, the number of people no longer in the workforce has increased to record numbers, a mathematical impossibility in the real world, but believed as reality in the world of the uninformed voters.  Overseas, Obama is enabling Iran's nuclear ambitions as he works to remove sanctions against the country that is also the largest supporter of Islamic terrorism worldwide, and Obama is doing so against the will of Congress, and he is actively trying to reject any congressional overview of his Iran agreement (remember, he claimed Bush was guilty of the same, and that he would not act in such a way).  His wife, Michelle Obama, is trying to dictate how you and your children are allowed to eat, while his EPA is trying to regulate everything from rain water, water usage in California (because of a drought that is largely the fault of poor planning by liberal leaders) to bar-b-ques.  The United Nations and President Obama have been working hand in hand to force their leftist terror upon populations worldwide, propping up black victimology, and the global ambitions of a rising oligarchy of rich and powerful political elites through Climate Change and Agenda 21 (Sustainable Development) because they believe individuality and freedom should become forgotten relics of a distant past.  They do what they can to abolish innovation by controlling the States, create a godless society, and control your free speech by taking over the FCC, and criminalizing free thought or actions.  Europe has even gone so far as to recommend cameras at every home, and form an European Union army - with the excuse of defending against Russia, but likely to keep any dissent under control as the final nails in the coffin of liberty are driven home by the oligarchs that are determined to apply statism to all nations for, of course, the common good.

But you better not say anything against him, for Obama is your ruler. . . or your First Amendment Rights will be slapped down, you may be forced into bankruptcy, or be labeled a racist - and if you are a law abiding gun owner, you are a terrorist.

end of rant

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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